GoCART Coalition - Call for research proposals within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence

Dear GoCART community, 

With more than 1500 CAR-T infusions registered in the EBMT registry, EHA and EBMT are proud to announce a series of scientific calls within Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence of the GoCART coalition.

The first call in March 2021 will serve as a pilot process and will focus on promoting the use of existing Registry data and other sources of real world data and strengthening collaborations across stakeholders in the field of CAR T-cell therapies. Proposals for retrospective studies must be presented by collaborations between EHA and EBMT members and preference will be given to proposals that also incorporate cooperative groups or national study groups actively represented in the GoCART coalition. We ask you to submit your proposal via the attached form. Deadline for submission is May 31st 2021.  

Download the Work Package 6: Scientific Excellence - Research Proposal Template

For this pilot process, a first set of scientific proposals will be selected as pilot projects based on scientific merit and (statistical) feasibility by the currently elected EHA and EBMT leadership. Selected proposals will be announced end of June and be further presented and discussed during a GoCART WP6 Scientific Excellence meeting (date to be announced in due course) to allow additional partners to join and shape the scientific focus.

All data processing will be done in compliance with GDPR. High data completeness and quality is a critical factor in the success of any study and so to prepare the upcoming scientific analyses, your data managers will be approached during the next weeks by EBMT study offices to enhance data completeness and accuracy.

This pilot process will help the community to further shape a collaborative and transparent process to pursue scientific excellence with collected data and foster collaborations across groups and stakeholders. The scope of a  second call during Q3/4 will be widened to include  collaboration between academia and industrial partners. 

Looking forward to an exciting first scientific wave of proposals and discussions, 

Sincerely yours, 

On behalf of EBMT, Prof. Dr. N. Kröger, Prof. Dr.  C. Chabannon, Prof. Dr. J. Kuball, Prof. Dr. Glass, Dr. S. Corbacioglu, Prof. Dr. M. Mohty

On behalf of EHA, Prof. Dr. J. Gribben, Prof. Dr. E. Macintyre, Prof. Dr. P. Sonneveld, Prof. Dr. S. Izraeli, Prof. Dr. A. Almeida, Prof. Dr. K. Porkka

For questions please contact GoCART@ebmt.org

Last Updated on Friday 23 April 2021.

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