How to apply for CBTH

Download the Signature letter template. Fill in the template and get it duly signed for upload into the online application platform.

Access the EHA Portal at and register yourself by clicking on the ‘Create an Account’ button.  Should you be the recipient of an EHA Research Grant in the past 5 years or have applied for any other EHA opportunity through the EHA portal , you already have an account that you can access, either by logging in using your existing credentials or by selecting ‘Reset or Create Password’ if you do not have your login details. Be sure to use the email address that EHA has on file. If you encounter any issues, please contact

Please keep in mind that once you register, it may take up to two business days before your registration is processed and you are given access to the system. Registrations are approved Monday to Friday between 8:00 -18:00 hrs Amsterdam time. You are advised to plan accordingly as delays occasioned by late registration will not exempt you from the deadline.

Remember to include your mentor letter as attachment. For guidance see the ‘for mentors of applicants’ section below. 

Your application will be evaluated by the CBTH Joint Oversight Committee, who are also responsible for the final selection of the scholars.

Outline of the required documents  

Applicant documents  

  • abstract of your research project  
  • research proposal & references  
  • your CV
  • your career development plan  

Mentor documents  

  • statement of support by your mentor 
  • CV of mentor  

Third party Documents:  

  • Letter of recommendation by a second referee describing your abilities and likelihood to succeed in pursuing an academic career in hematology research fields using computational biology (this can be a former or current collaborator or someone who has worked with you and can vouch that you fulfill the minimum requirement for computational expertise)  

Description of the required documents 

Applicant documents

  1. Abstract of your research project (max 500 words) (to be filled into the online application form)
  2. Research Proposal & References (5-pages maximum + 1-page for references)
    Provide a description of your project, as well as the specific aims of the project, plan of investigation, computational methods to be employed, and any relevant references. Your research proposal will be evaluated based on the following:  
  • Significance  
  • The impact and/or outcome that is relevant to hematology.
  • Methods to address the research question.
  • Defined, testable hypothesis; preliminary data supporting your approach; appropriate experimental plan; appropriate statistical analysis plan; unambiguous endpoints.
  • Feasibility
  • Timeline is appropriate for experimental plan and data analysis; funding has been obtained or has high probability of being obtained.
  • Innovation
  • Novel techniques or analytical methods are proposed.
  • Funding or funding applications of your proposed research project need to be specified in detail.  

 3. Your CV (2-pages max) (this information may also be duplicated in the online form) Provide your complete contact information, present position, training (including training/courses in hematology and/or computational biology), publications, and other relevant information. Your CV will be evaluated based on the following:  

  • Personal qualifications
  • Previous training, research experience and productivity, and funding.
  • Potential for success in an academic hematology-related career as an independent investigator  

 4. Your Career Development Plan (2-pages max)
Please detail your career goals (related to prior experience), systematic plan to obtain experience and skills for an independent academic career in translational research, and available resources (such as courses, workshops, etc.) at your home institution that you will personally use to advance your career. Also, describe your pathway and likely timeline for independence. Your career development plan will be evaluated based on the following:  

  • Appropriateness of research proposal and career development plan to develop the career of the applicant and to lead to local, national, and/or international presentation  
  • Expected research trajectory that CBTH will facilitate 
  • Interest in and rationale for attending CBTH 

Mentor documents  

The applicant’s mentor must:  

  • be the same person as the person who signed the signature letter for application 
  • a member/Guest of EHA at the time of application deadline 
  • provide below documents in support of the applicant  

1. Mentor’s Statement of Support (2-page limit)
The mentor should describe the applicant’s abilities and likelihood to succeed in pursuing an academic career in translational research. The mentor must also indicate his/her:  

  • Qualifications within the applicant’s research area  
  • Previous experience in research training  
  • Supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CBTH award year  
  • Commitment to providing a productive environment for the applicant to pursue the project  
  •  Indication of why/how CBTH will be beneficial to the applicant  

2. Mentor’s CV (2-page limit)
Including complete contact information, present position, training, publications, and other relevant information. The mentor’s documents will be evaluated based on the following:  

  • Mentor’s personal qualifications.
  • Productivity and research support, as evidenced by the mentor’s CV/Biosketch.
  • Mentoring experience and plans for mentoring and enhancing the career development of the applicant, environment for conducting the proposed research.
  • A history of the mentor working with the trainee, the quality of that interaction may be included in the consideration of the mentoring plan  

Third party documents: e.g., from Past mentor/current collaborator/… 

Letter of recommendation by a second referee describing your abilities and likelihood to succeed in pursuing an academic career in hematology research fields using computational biology (this can be a former or current collaborator or someone who has worked with you and can vouch that you fulfill the minimum requirement for computational expertise) 

Formatting of the required documents  

  • All required documents of the applicant must be collated and submitted as one single pdf.  
  • The mentor documents as well as the third-party recommendation letter must also be collated and uploaded into the application portal as one single pdf file.  
  • Documents must be typed using a 12-point font and have 1-inch margins.  
  • Applicant name must appear in the lower right-hand corner of each page.  
  • The final submission pdf should be named as follows: LastnameFirstname_ Institution_document type.pdf. (Example: SmithJane_UniversityofHamburg_Application.pdf or SmithJane_UniversityOfHamburg_SupportLetters.pdf

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