EHA-EMBL/EBI Computational Biology Training in Hematology

The call has closed, the next call opens end of Spring 2023.

What is Computational Biology Training in Hematology?

Computational Biology Training in Hematology (CBTH) provides early-career researchers aiming to specialize in computational and quantitative biology aspects of hematology with a unique, year-long training and mentoring experience by top-tier faculty.

CBTH is a joint effort of the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) that aims to support the development of quantitative skills for hematology researchers by organizing a training and mentoring program in computational biology.

The CBTH program will be organized with two multi-day workshops in a city in Europe and graduation of scholars at the EHA Congress.

Is CBTH for me?

You may be surprised. Click here and find out whether you could be a match.

What to expect

Find out about the faculty, the learning objectives and how the program is built.

How to apply

Find out how to submit your application, what is required and why.

Practical information

When and where to the meetings take place? Are there costs for you?

For mentors of applicants

If your associate is applying for CBTH, please read this information about what is expected from you and your institute.

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