What to expect


The faculty is made up of international leaders in clinical hematology research, statisticians, experts in regulatory and ethical aspects of clinical research and more. 16 faculty members will be mentoring 20 scholars.


'As a young consultant working within clinical trials on a daily basis, the CRTH programme has been extremely useful in developing my skills and understanding of the complete trials process. In particular, designing a clinical trial and developing protocols with feedback from the excellent, experienced faculty has been invaluable. I now have a significantly improved grounding in all aspects of clinical trials which will continue to throughout my career. The collaboration and discussions with colleagues participating in CRTH also adds insight into the differences in clinical trials throughout the world. I would recommend this course to all young haematologists looking to further their career in the clinical trials arena.' – Morag Griffin, UK

‘CRTH is a unique and fantastic opportunity for any young hematologist interested in learning the skills of conducting clinical trials. 
The course was extremely helpful for planning a clinical trial myself. It gives you good insights into many aspects of clinical trial design including regulatory processes and finance. The faculty is not only extremely knowledgeable but also very supportive. It was wonderful meeting other trainees from all over Europe and I am sure collaborations and friendships will arise from this. Thanks to EHA for this pearl in hematology training.’ – Felicitas Thol, Germany

'I am very grateful to have received the 2016-2017 EHA-CRTH Fellowship. In its pilot project, it gave me the opportunity to develop my ideas and know how to improve in hematology clinical trials design and how to run them effectively.
CRTH is a wonderful experience and gave us the opportunity of being able to focus ourselves on science and clinical trials during the intensive two first meetings, learning new things, improving our skills and meeting new colleagues in beautiful environments. 
More importantly there were scientific ideas exchanged, collaborators discovered, new friends made all over Europe and other countries and full-time available mentors gained, that made it invaluable for all trainees. Meeting the faculty members who have been unselfishly dedicated during the whole-meeting-days of their busy lives to mentoring us and providing guidance with our clinical research proposals and our interests, was not only humbling but inspiring as well. I am sure that this experience will be helpful for our future careers' – Lucía López-Anglada Fernández, Spain

Learning objectives

  • Design and execute a clinical trial
  • Develop a strategy for effective collaboration with various stakeholders in the clinical research project
  • Use statistics effectively
  • Handle common problems occurring during the conduct of a clinical trial
  • Recognize the ethical and regulatory framework relevant to clinical research
  • Discuss and apply effective publication strategies
  • How to plan the trial budget and staff needed
  • Present the project to diverse audiences
  • Examine the fundamentals of competitive grant and abstract writing and manuscript preparation and presentation
  • Understand and apply the basic principles of meta-analyses
  • Formulate strategies for pursuing and developing a successful career in hematological research
  • Discuss approaches to forming and sustaining a multi-disciplinary clinical research team
  • Develop relationships with the other participants and faculty to enhance professional networking opportunities

Format of the program

Expert high-quality mentoring and skills training in clinical research
The program consists of two multi-day workshops at different locations in Europe and includes a variety of teaching and learning experiences, including self-directed learning, one to one mentoring by experts, plenary sessions and peer working groups, focusing on individual topics of interest and expertise. Establishing excellent relationships with co participants and faculty is guaranteed due to the program set up and personal approach.

Career development insight

Career retrospectives are provided from leading hematologists with a broad experience in clinical research. Hematology pioneers will speak about their personal and professional challenges and successes and maintaining a work-life balance.

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