How to apply

Download the Signature letter template. Fill in the template and get it duly signed for upload into the online application platform.

Access the EHA Portal at and register yourself by clicking on the ‘Create an Account’ button.  Should you be the recipient of an EHA Research Grant in the past 5 years or have applied for any other EHA opportunity through the EHA portal , you already have an account that you can access, either by logging in using your existing credentials or by selecting ‘Reset or Create Password’ if you do not have your login details. Be sure to use the email address that EHA has on file. If you encounter any issues, please contact 

Please keep in mind that once you register, it may take up to two business days before your registration is processed and you are given access to the system. Registrations are approved Monday to Friday between 8:00 -18:00 hrs Amsterdam time. You are advised to plan accordingly as delays occasioned by late registration will not exempt you from the deadline. 

Your application will be evaluated by the CRTH C, who are also responsible for the final selection of the scholars. 

You will need to prepare the following documents for upload: 

  • Signed signature letter for application CRTH according to template (download here) 
  •  Support letter from the supervisor, on official institute letterhead and duly signed:
    • The supervisor should describe the applicant’s abilities and likelihood to succeed in pursuing an academic career in clinical research.  
    • A description of the supervision and mentorship to be provided to the applicant during the CRTH award year 
    • Indicating the commitment to providing a productive environment for the applicant to pursue the project
    • An indication of why/how CRTH will be beneficial to the applicant 
  • Research design flowchart if you have a complex design  

In the online application form, you will fill in the following:  

1. CV Information including: 

  • Publications 
  • Education and Employment  
  • Other experience and professional memberships 

2. Clinical Research Profile including 

  • Learning goals 
  • Motivation  
  • Details of the top five (5) trials you have been involved in (if any) 

3. Clinical Trial Project Proposal 

  • Your proposal should be clear and concise (think abstract), and all questions (as outlined in the online template) should be answered. 
  • If you get selected for CRTH, this is the project you will be working on with the faculty, therefore: 
    • Ensure the trial idea is yours, not that of your mentor/supervisor/head of department. 
    • Do not submit a trial idea that is already underway and cannot be changed. You should be able to implement any changes you decide to make in the trial design during your participation in CRTH. 
    • You are presumed to be the primary clinical investigator, so fill in the form accordingly 
  • Information re be filled includes: 
    • Title of your project 
    • A summary of the background & justification for the research 
    • Trial/ research design, including: 
      • Design 
      • Main Eligibility criteria 
      • Control arm 
      • Summary of treatments  
      • Endpoints 
      • Sample size 
      • Feasibility  
      • Potential challenges 
      • Potential impact 
  • Infrastructure of your institute (as guided by the questions in the template) 

Good luck with your application! Questions can be directed to 

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