Research trainings

Old ways won't open new doors.

EHA runs intensive research training programs for early career researchers who want to specialize in:

  • Clinical research
  • Translational research
  • Computational biology

Taking part in one of our programs is a unique opportunity to:

  • Get training and coaching from top-tier experts, on both scientific and career issues
  • Expand your network and make lasting connections with other researchers
  • Develop valuable skills and accelerate your career development

Visit a program page to find out more about what's involved, the eligibility criteria, and how you can apply.

Clinical Research Training in Hematology

As a clinical researcher who designs and runs your own trials, you will learn how to achieve excellence.

Translational Research Training in Hematology

For translational researchers who want to run their own lab.

Computational Biology Training in Hematology

For early-career researchers aiming to specialize in computational and quantitative biology aspects of hematology.

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