Highlights from the SWG

The COVID19 pandemic has unfortunately disrupted early activities planned for the newly created Transfusion SWG. A major activity for the Transfusion SWG in 2020 was preparation for a first Scientific Meeting, originally planned for early 2021. The structure of this proposed 2 day meeting was aimed at understanding existing research in transfusion across European countries, with a major focus on creating networks for junior and early career researchers. This meeting has now been rescheduled to 2022 because of COVID19. Preparation for this meeting included working with existing stakeholders with interests in transfusion, including European Blood Alliance and International Society of Blood Transfusion. Ahead of this rescheduled meeting, we are planning a virtual meeting in March 2022, to highlight some of the areas of research we wish to explore in our scientific meeting and promote the activities of the Transfusion SWG.

Priorities for the next year:

  1. Virtual SWG meeting
  2. Main Scientific meeting
  3. Complete RoadMap update for Transfusion

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