
The aim of this SWG is to strengthen and invigorate European research in transfusion, to foster new networks and collaborations, with the ultimate goal of optomisingtransfusion practice in Europe based on scientific evidence.

Blood transfusion is one of the most common procedures carried out in hospitals. Our overarching objective is to ensure that the right patient safely receive the right blood component for the right reason at the right time. Inappropriate transfusions expopse patients to risks of adverse effects and are a waste of a limited resource. Our mission is to promote research activities and generate effective networks for research across European countries.

The breath of research in transfusion extends beyond the use of blood components (whether conventional or novel such as red cell transfusions, or whole blood in major bleeding) and includes plasma-derived and recombinant human plasma proteins, apheresis. These areas of research activities are derscribed in an updated section on Transfusion that has been submitted for the revised European Hematology Association (EHA) Roadmap for European Hematology Research.

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