SWG Education Activities

EHA Pediatric Course 2022

General Information


Grand Hotel Riviera
Via A. Califano 22

The Grand Hotel Riviera is also the hotel where the participants will stay during the Course. In case of wide attendance, some of the participants will have accommodation (and breakfast) at the Hotel Ambasciatori (a same-class hotel adjacent to the Grand Hotel Riviera) and, in case of need, in other closeby hotels. This will be done based on a selection criterion "first come first served”.

Extra nights (not included in the registration fee): in case of need of extension of staying at Grand Hotel Riviera after the Course (and/or early arrival), an appropriate form (that has been provided by the Hotel) has to be completed and sent jointly to the registration form. Moreover, those who will need extra-nights, and will need an invoice or receipt for the three nights of the Congress for “personal reimbursement”, they will have to do “additional” check out / check in (more info could be provided directly at the Hotel).

There is car parking availability at the Grand Hotel Riviera at a cost of € 20,00/day payable directly to the hotel.


Please fill ALL FIELDS of the registration form you can find in the EHA Course website to register. The registration fee of € 650,00 covers hotel accommodation, meals from October 19 to October 22, 2022 (thus THREE nights) and education materials. Please note that a tourist-tax (€ 3.00 per person per day, not included in the fee) has to be paid by the customer, along with any extra, upon departure. Registrations with lacking information will not be accepted.

No CME credits are foreseen for the Course.


The Course will be conducted in English.

Meeting program

A preliminary program of the course is available here.

Please note that attendees will not receive EBAH-CME credits after attending this course.

Course Faculty

Andishe Attarbaschi Austria John Grainger U.K.
Adriana Balduzzi Italy Shai Izraeli Israel
André Baruchel France Thierry Leblanc  France
Andrea Biondi Italy Jan Henning Klusmann  Germany
Arndt Borkhardt Germany Franco Locatelli    Italy
Cassinerio Elena Italy Charlotte Niemeyer  Germany
Mariane De Montalembert France Christina Peters  Austria
Klaus-Michael Debatin Germany Irene Roberts  U.K.
Jean Donadieu France Kjeld Schmiegelow  Denmark
Alain Fisher France Joseph Vormoor  The Netherlands
Brenda Gibson U.K. Cornelia Zeidler  Germany

Letter of Invitation

Upon request, the Secretariat will send a personal letter of invitation to participate in the Course, to assist participants to obtain a visa or for any “administrative” need.


"Group" transfers will be provided from Naples (airport or railway station) to Sorrento. To this purpose each participant should specify this need in the registration form. On the basis of this information, "fixed transfers" will be organized from Naples to Sorrento (and also the return at the end of the Course).


Please indicate in the registration form whether it is enough to have just a "receipt of payment" or if you need an invoice, in which case we need to have ALL the reported details (full header, VAT number, etc..). The information will be sent to the Grand Hotel Riviera (in charge for invoices and pro-forma invoices).

EHA SWG Template A5 01 Pediatric course SorrentoV2

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