Highlights of the SWG

The most relevant achievement has been that after years of discussion we have finally managed to establish an active Pediatric Hematology SWG to create a voice for pediatric hematology within EHA that is based on our broad and diverse expertise in pediatric hematology.

This is reflected in our success in setting up a broad and active working group with wide representation from the different areas of pediatric hematology (including but not limited to red cell disorders, bone marrow failure syndrome, immunodeficiencies, stem cell transplantation and gene therapy, clotting and platelet disorders, along with malignant hematology) and active participation of fellows in training.

The group has started to actively work on the creation of the European Pediatric Hematology Curriculum which is currently in an advanced stage of development.

Top 3 follow-up activities of SWG:

  • Completion of the EHA/SIOPe syllabus on pediatric hematology
  • Setting up a sustainable structure of our SWG (including the nomination of additional board members)
  • Focus on our educational activities (including our sessions at the next EHA meeting and preparing the Sorrento course for Pediatric Hematology)

As chairs of this newly established SWG we are excited to work with such a dynamic and enthusiastic group of pediatric hematologists within EHA. Our first goal is to complete the syllabus for pediatric hematology. Our second goal is to establish our SWG as the voice of pediatric hematology within EHA and take an active role in developing educational content in pediatric hematology within the society.

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