
  1. Goswami P, Oliva EN, Ionova T, Else R, Kell J, Fielding AK, Jennings DM, Karakantza M, Al-Ismail S, Collins GP, McConnell S, Langton C, Al-Obaidi MJ, Oblak M, Salek S. Hematological Malignancy Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (HM-PRO): Construct Validity Study. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Sep 8;11:1308. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.01308. PMID: 33013368; PMCID: PMC7506039.
  2. Goswami P, Oliva EN, Ionova T, Else R, Kell J, Fielding AK, Jennings DM, Karakantza M, Al-Ismail S, Collins GP, McConnell S, Langton C, Salek S. Development of a Novel Hematological Malignancy Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measure (HM-PRO): Content Validity. Front Pharmacol. 2020 Mar 5;11:209. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2020.00209. PMID: 32210809; PMCID: PMC7066982.
  3. Goswami P, Oliva EN, Ionova T, Else R, Kell J, Fielding AK, Jennings DM, Karakantza M, Al-Ismail S, Collins GP, McConnell S, Langton C, Al-Obaidi MJ, Oblak M, Salek S. Reliability of a Novel Hematological Malignancy Specific Patient-Reported Outcome Measure: HM-PRO. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 2020; Oct20;11: 1440.
  4. Pushpendra Goswami , Esther N. Oliva, Tatyana Ionova, Roger Else, Jonathan Kell, Adele K. Fielding, Daniel M. Jennings, Marina Karakantza, Saad Al-Ismail, Graham P. Collins, Stewart McConnell, Catherine Langton and Sam Salek. Quality-of-life issues and symptoms reported by patients living with haematological malignancy: a qualitative study. Therapeutic Advances in Hematology. 2020, Vol. 11: 1–14; DOI: 10.1177/ 2040620720955002.
  5. Zack Pemberton-Whiteley, Samantha Nier, Jan Geissler, Sophie Wintrich, Bregje Verhoeven,Rita I O Christensen, Sam Salek, Esther Natalie Oliva, Tatyana Ionova, Jennie Bradley, Anne Rosemary Tate. Investigating the Quality of Life of Patients with Acute Leukemia, with a Focus on Age and Patient-Reported Experience. Blood (2020) 136 (Supplement 1): 25–26.
  6. Marike Andreas, Sam Salek, Nina Kreuzberger, Vanessa Piechotta, Esther Natalie Oliva, Tatyana Ionova, Ina Monsef, Nicole Skoetz, and Edward Laane. Patient-reported outcomes in clinical trials for multiple myeloma: Where we are. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021 39:15_suppl, e18615-e18615
  7. Melnichenko V.Y., Fedorenko D.A., Nikitina T.P., Porfirieva N.M., Nikolaev I.S., Ionova T.I. Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation with low-intensity conditioning regimens in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis: clinical outcomes and quality of life. Cellular Therapy and Transplantation. 2021. V.10. N2. doi 10.18620/ctt-1866-8836-2021-10-2-45-53
  8. Appraisal of the consistent use and reporting of patient-reported outcomes in multiple myeloma clinical trials: does it matter? E. Laane, T. Ionova, E. N. Oliva , M. Andreas , N. Kreuzberger , V. Piechotta , I. Monsef , N. Skoetz , S. Salek. HemaSphere. 2021; 5, S2; P.570.
  9. Oliva EN, Cufari P, Andriani A, Stelitano C, Frongia S, Alati C, Martini V, Gangemi D, Rodà F, Montechiarello E, Greve B, Praticò G, Salek S, Ionova T, Martino B (2020) Assessment of HM-PRO Italian version in patients with Haematological Malignancies in clinical practice. June 2019 HemaSphere 3(S1):693 DOI:10.1097/01.HS9.0000564276.03663.c2 In the 25th EHA Congress
  10. Besada M, Lorenzi M, Tang D, Huey K, Schroeder T, Oliva EN (2020) Systematic Literature Review of Clinical Outcomes, Economic Burden, and Quality of Life Burden of Anemia in Elderly Patients. In ISPOR Europe 2020, abstract November 16-19 Milan
  11. Besada M, Lorenzi M, Tang D, Huey K, Schroeder T, Oliva EN (2020) Systematic Literature Review of Clinical Outcomes, Economic Burden, and and Humanistic Burden of Anemia in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes. In ISPOR Europe 2020, abstract November 16-19 Milan
  12. Cappellini MD, Taher A, Piga A, Shah F, Voskaridou E, Viprakasit V, Porter JB, Hermine, O, Neufeld EJ, Thompson A, Tang D, Yu P, Guo S, Shetty JK, Miteva D, Zinger T, Backstrom, Oliva EN (2020) Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes for Patients with Transfusion-Dependent Beta-Thalassemia Treated with Luspatercept in the Believe Trial. Oral Presentation. Session Name: 904. Outcomes Research - Non-Malignant Conditions: Sickle Cell Disease and Beta Thalassemia. In the 62th ASH Annual Meeting, Virtual experience, December 5-8, 2020
  13. Oliva EN, Platzbecker U, Garcia-Manero G, Mufti G, Santini V, Sekeres MA. Komrokji RS, Shetty JK, Tang D, Guo S, Liao W, Zhang G, Ha X, Ito R, Lord-Bessen J, JTBackstrom, Fenaux P (2020) Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Patients with Myelodysplastic Syndromes with Ring
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  14. Rubina Shah , Faraz M Ali , Stuart J Nixon, John R Ingram , Sam M Salek , Andrew Y Finlay. Measuring the impact of COVID-19 on the quality of life of the survivors, partners and family members: a crosssectional international online survey. BMJ Open 2021;11:e047680. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2020-047680.
  15. R. Shah, F. M. Ali, A. Y. Finlay and M. S. Salek. Family reported outcomes, an unmet need in the management of a patient’s disease: appraisal of the literature. Health Qual Life Outcomes (2021) 19:194


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