Procedure & Reports

Structure and procedures

EHA encourages scientists in hematology to submit an application to create a scientific network with a specific interest field and supports knowledge exchange under the umbrella of EHA.

The application form, including the CV of the chair, should be sent to before October 1 of each year. When completing the form, please indicate if you are interested in submitting a program for the upcoming EHA Annual Congress.

To see the complete Criteria and Procedures: click here

To become a registered member, please tap the button below and fill in the application form.

Click here to apply for SWG Membership

EHA-SWG Activities

Some examples of collaboration between EHA and the EHA Specialized Working Groups are:

SWG Sessions at the Annual Congress

To support high-quality science, sessions of Specialized Working Groups were incorporated into the main Congress program. All SWGs are invited each year to submit a program for a scientific session at the EHA Annual Congress. Session programs are reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee (SPC).

A one-hour session is available for all SWGs. They are requested to create a program which highlights the state-of-the-art in the field of their expertise. As the groups cover many areas of hematology, it will bring updates on a large scope of topics in the field.

Please note that you do not have to be a member of a Specialized Working Group to attend SWG sessions at the congress. However, a congress registration is necessary.

EHA-SWG Scientific Meetings

The EHA-SWG Scientific Meetings project was developed as a joint effort of the SWGs and EHA. Successful applications are selected by the SWG Unit and 2 to 3 scientific workshops are organized annually in Europe.

EHA-SWG Scientific Meetings provide delegates with the latest insights presented by leading hematologists. The innovative format includes e.g. discussions with patient organizations and pharmaceutical companies as well as sessions on regulatory aspects. To make the program more interactive, EHA makes use of voting boxes for self-assessment of participants.

Applications for scientific meetings can be submitted by the SWG Chair to the SWG Unit who reviews and selects the programs.

Check the upcoming Scientific Meetings here


Every year the EHA-SWGs publish a summary of their main research activities in the annual report. Here, you can find information on new findings of the working groups, their meetings, conferences as well as publications and relevant links.

Links to reports.

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