Chairs and Members

Chair and affiliations:

  • Professor Jean-Jacques Kiladjian
    Hôpital Saint-Louis and Paris Diderot University, Paris, France 
  • Professor Claire Harrison
    Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Guy’s Hospital, London, United Kingdom

Board members and terms:

  • Prof A. Almeida, Portugal                                                           
  • Prof C. Besses, Spain                                                                    
  • Prof S. Constantinescu, Belgium                                             
  • Prof T. Devos, Belgium                                                                
  • Prof M. Ellis, Israel                                                                        
  • Prof S. Giraudier, France                                                            
  • Prof M. Greisshamer, Germany                                              
  • Prof H. Hasselbach, Denmark                                                   
  • Prof R. Kralovics, Austria                                                            
  • Prof M.F. McMullin, N. Ireland                                                 
  • Prof J. Samuelsson, Sweden                                                     
  • Prof J. Schwarz, Czechia                                                              
  • Prof R. Skoda, Switzerland                                                         
  • Prof A Vannucchi, Italy                                                                
  • Prof M. Wondergem, Netherlands                                        
  • Prof L.Y. Shih, Taiwan

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