SWG Educational Activities

EHA Meeting 2018

Education Session on Myelodysplastic Syndromes:

  • The hematopoietic niche in MDS: from concept to therapeutic target
  • Molecular genetics in clinical decision making
  • New treatment options

Further contributions at EHA 2018 as presenter/co-author:

  • U Platzbecker:
    • 16 contributions (abstract numbers): S115, S152, S861, S876, S1557, S1559, PF235, PF497, PF498, PF675, PS986, PS1230, PS1240, PS1242, PS1244, PS1245

  • P Fenaux:
    • 10 contributions (abstract numbers): S1557, S1558, PF481, PF484, PF703, PS1233, PS1239, PS1244, PS1245, PB2100

Clinical Trials

Start of the BERGAMO trial:
A phase II study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Bemcentinib in patients with MDS or ALM failing standard of care therapy – BERGAMO trial within the EMSCO network involving the German, French, Dutch and Italian MDS study groups.

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