Highlights from the SWG

  • The SWG actively participated and contributed in the International Myeloma Workshop in New Delhi, March 1-5, which was attended by more than 2,000 participants from academia, healthcare and industry. Several members of the group were invited speakers.

  • During the 22nd Annual Meeting of EHA in Copenhagen the SWG Multiple Myeloma organized a SWG session on clinical dilemmas in the treatment of Myeloma patients which was attended by more than 400 congress delegates.

  • Several members of the European Myeloma Network/EHA MM SWG gave invited presentations at international meetings such as EMMA meetings in Madrid and Vienna, Balkan Myeloma Group in Athens, Turkish Society of Hematology in Antalya, International Myeloma Workshop in New Delhi, European School of Hematology, Corporate Symposia during EHA and ASH and during outreach activities in many countries.

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