Highlights from the SWG

The SWG organized a EHA scientific workshop entitled: “Shaping the future of MSC Therapy” in Amsterdam from November 23-25, 2017. This two-day workshop included sessions entitled: “Tissue specificity of stromal cells”, “MSCs and the tumor microenvironment”, “Product development” and “Clinical trials”.

In addition, there was ample opportunity to present selected abstracts by the participants in three sessions containing 6 abstracts of 10 minutes per session. Two interactive panel discussions were organized on the topics “Towards MSCs as a standard of care, where do we stand?” and on “Regulatory and ethical hurdles in clinical trials using MSCs, how can they be solved?”.

The workshop was a great success and highly appreciated by the participants and had a lively and interactive atmosphere. It was attended by around 65 persons.

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