SWG Educational Activities

The EHA2021 Virtual Congress from June 9-17, 2021

SWG session :Infections in hematology: The critically ill patient during the pandemic
Chair: Prof. Oliver Cornely


Infections in hematology: The critically ill patient during the pandemic

Russel Edward Lewis (IT)

Martin Hoenigl (AT)

Philipp Koehler (DE)

Livio Pagano (IT)


Pharmacokinetic considerations of anti-infective drugs in the ICU: Drug-drug interactions, ECMO, Renal Replacement Therapy

Fungal superinfections complicating severe COVID-19 in the ICU

ICU admission of hematological patients during the pandemic: Who to admit and what’s the prognosis?

EPICOVIDEHA survey. COVID-19 infections in patients with hematological malignancies. Results from EHA-IDWP registry 

Learning goals per topic

Implications of ECMO and Renal Replacement Therapy on dosing of anti-infectives and the impact of drug-drug interactions on choice of anti-infective treatment

Learn about immunological mechanisms, definitions of disease, diagnosis and treatment of fungal infections complicating severe COVID-19

Learn about criteria for ICU admission and prognostic factors for hematological patients admitted to the ICU, and how does changed during the pandemic

A multicentric survey on this complication in HMs.  Risk factors for onset and mortality

Session motivation

Timely topic, as many anti-infectives top the list of drugs associated with drug interactions in the ICU

Emerging topic, with aspergillosis being among the most important superinfections complicating severe COVID 19

The pandemic impacted hospital care and specifically ICU care in many settings around the globe

Information that are absolutely relevant for all hematologists in order to better know how to treat these patients


Collaborations on international projects promoted by or involving the SWG:

  • Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of mucormycosis: An initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology in cooperation with the Mycoses Study Group Education and Research Consortium
  • Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare moulds infections: An initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology
  • Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare yeasts infections: An initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology
  • Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of endemic mycosis infections: An initiative of the European Confederation of Medical Mycology

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