SWG Educational Activities

EHA SWG Business Meeting of the SWG on Immune Therapies for Hematologic Disorders

Date: July 2, 2021

Location: Virtual meeting

H. Einsele
AA van de Loosdrecht

M. Hudecek
AA. Van de Loosdrecht
H. Einsele

• The CAR T-cell workshop, February 4-6, 2021 (Einsele)
• EU IMI, T2EVOLVE project (Hudecek)
• Workshop on immunotherapy beyond CAR T-cells (Nov, 2020) (Loosdrecht)
• Identifications of era of focus of SWG with proposal for a roadmap/guideline paper (>2022)(Loosdrecht)
• General discussion (Einsele, Loosdrecht)


3rd European CART T-Cell Meeting and Immunotherapy eyond CAR T cells

Date: November 18-19, 2020

Location: Virtual meeting


EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy (excluding CAR T cells)

Date: November 12, 2020

Location: Virtual meeting

Meeting Chairs: Each session was led by one of the meeting chairs.

  • Prof Hermann Einsele, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany
  • Prof Christine Chomienne, IRSL St Louis, France
  • Prof Jordi Sierra, Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Spain
  • Prof Arjan van de Loosdrecht, Amsterdam UMC location VU, the Netherlands

This scientific meeting was organized together with the EHA Specialized Working Group on Immune Therapies for Hematological Disorders. Following the global pandemic it was decided to hold a fully virtual meeting, resulting in the first virtual EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting!
The on-demand content, in the form of recorded lectures, was made available on the meeting platform on November 12.
Topics that were addressed ranged from T-cells, checkpoint blockers, bispecific antibodies, and laboratory testing, to innovative antibody formats and artificial intelligence in immunotherapy treatments. The meeting did not address any CAR T-cell therapy topics.


25th Congress of the European Hematology Association

Date: Jun2 27,2020

Location: virtual symposium

EHA-EBMT symposium - New eras in Immunotherapy

T-cell engaging antibodies for hematological diseases from approved therapies to new indications (Lecture, H. Einsele)


2nd EHA-EBMT European CAR T-cell Meeting

Date: January 30 - February 1, 2020,

Location: Sitges, Spain

Spain hosted the 2nd European CAR T-Cell Meeting, organized jointly by the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EMBT). Chaired by Professors Christian Chabannon (France) and Hermann Einsele (Germany), the conference offered a comprehensive overview of current CAR T-cell therapy research across Europe, the USA, and Asia, and featured 28 sessions spanning a broad range of topics. The clinical landscape for CAR-T, and current developments in Europe were the focus of several presentations. Individual sessions were devoted to key indications for CAR T-cell therapy such as acute leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma, and further examined the latest preclinical and clinical data in the CAR-T domain.


Meeting name: Keystone Symposia on Molecular Cellular Biology

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: February 9-13, 2020

Location: Banff, Canada

Title of the talk: Next Generation Immune Cell Engineering 


Meeting name: Annual Saudi Hematology Congress 2020

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: March 5-7, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Gene Therapy in Hematology & Transplantation: Where do we stand!


Meeting name: 46th Annual Meeting EBMT

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: August 29-September 1, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Evolving technologies for gene modification / gene editing of haematopoietic stem cells and immune effector cells


Meeting name: ITOC7 Cell Therapies and Immunotherapy Conference

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: October 2-3, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Cell therapy of hematological malignancies


Meeting name: EHA25 Virtual

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: June 11-October 15, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Future role of TCR transduced T cells


Meeting name: New Agents in Leukemia 2020

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: October 27-28, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: ‘T cell function and CART: what’s critical?"


Meeting name: EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy for hematological disorders

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: November 19-20, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Pitfalls of TCR engineering


Meeting name: Riunione Nazionale GITMO

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: November 18-19, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Il futuro prossimo: nuove basi cellulari, targets, indicazioni cliniche


Meeting name: ASH Annual Meeting 2020

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: December 5-8, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Addressing Toxicities Following Cellular Therapy


EHA SWG Business Meeting of the SWG on Immune Therapies for Hematologic Disorders
Date: July 2, 2021

Location: Virtual meeting

H. Einsele
AA van de Loosdrecht

M. Hudecek
AA Van de Loosdrecht
H. Einsele

• The CAR T-cell workshop, February 4-6, 2021 (Einsele)
• EU IMI, T2EVOLVE project (Hudecek)
• Workshop on immunotherapy beyond CAR T-cells (Nov, 2020) (Loosdrecht)
• Identifications of era of focus of SWG with proposal for a roadmap/guideline paper (>2022)(Loosdrecht)
• General discussion (Einsele, Loosdrecht)


3rd European CART T-Cell Meeting and Immunotherapy eyond CAR T cells

Date: November 18-19, 2020

Location: Virtual meeting


EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy (excluding CAR T cells)

Date: November 12, 2020

Location: Virtual meeting

Meeting Chairs: Each session was led by one of the meeting chairs.

  • Prof Hermann Einsele, University Hospital Würzburg, Germany
  • Prof Christine Chomienne, IRSL St Louis, France
  • Prof Jordi Sierra, Hospital Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Spain
  • Prof Arjan van de Loosdrecht, Amsterdam UMC location VU, the Netherlands

This scientific meeting was organized together with the EHA Specialized Working Group on Immune Therapies for Hematological Disorders. Following the global pandemic it was decided to hold a fully virtual meeting, resulting in the first virtual EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting!
The on-demand content, in the form of recorded lectures, was made available on the meeting platform on November 12.
Topics that were addressed ranged from T-cells, checkpoint blockers, bispecific antibodies and laboratory testing, to innovative antibody formats and artificial intelligence in immunotherapy treatments. The meeting did not address any CAR T-cell therapy topics.


25th Congress of the European Hematology Association

Date: June 27, 2020

Location: virtual symposium

EHA-EBMT symposium - New eras in Immunotherapy

T-cell engaging antibodies for hematological diseases from approved therapies to new indications (Lecture, H. Einsele)


2nd EHA-EBMT European CAR T-cell Meeting

Date: January 30 - February 1, 2020,

Location: Sitges, Spain

Spain hosted the 2nd European CAR T-Cell Meeting, organized jointly by the European Hematology Association (EHA) and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EMBT). Chaired by Professors Christian Chabannon (France) and Hermann Einsele (Germany), the conference offered a comprehensive overview of current CAR T-cell therapy research across Europe, the USA, and Asia, and featured 28 sessions spanning a broad range of topics. The clinical landscape for CAR-T, and current developments in Europe were the focus of several presentations. Individual sessions were devoted to key indications for CAR T-cell therapy such as acute leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma, and further examined the latest preclinical and clinical data in the CAR-T domain. 

Meeting name: Keystone Symposia on Molecular Cellular Biology

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: February 9-13, 2020

Location: Banff, Canada

Title of the talk: Next Generation Immune Cell Engineering 


Meeting name: Annual Saudi Hematology Congress 2020

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: March 5-7, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Gene Therapy in Hematology & Transplantation: Where do we stand!


Meeting name: 46th Annual Meeting EBMT

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: August 29-September 1, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Evolving technologies for gene modification/gene editing of hematopoietic stem cells and immune effector cells


Meeting name: ITOC7 Cell Therapies and Immunotherapy Conference

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: October 2-3, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Cell therapy of hematological malignancies


Meeting name: EHA25 Virtual

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: June 11-October 15, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Future role of TCR transduced T cells


Meeting name: New Agents in Leukemia 2020

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: October 27-28, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: ‘T cell function and CART: what’s critical?"


Meeting name: EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Immunotherapy for hematological disorders

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: November 19-20, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Pitfalls of TCR engineering


Meeting name: Riunione Nazionale GITMO

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: November 18-19, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Il futuro prossimo: nuove basi cellulari, targets, indicazioni cliniche


Meeting name: ASH Annual Meeting 2020

Speaker: Chiara Bonini

Dates: December 5-8, 2020

Location: Virtual Format

Title of the talk: Addressing Toxicities Following Cellular Therapy

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