Immune Therapies for Hematologic Disorders

Recently the treatment of hematological and solid malignancies has been revolutionized by the introduction of novel immunotherapeutic strategies. Patients suffering from malignancies that seemed to be untreatable now experience long-term disease control with novel immunotherapies such as immune check point inhibitors and T-cell redirected strategies (CAR T-cells, TCR transduced T cells, bispecific antibodies).

Although great advances have been made in applying immunotherapies and understanding their modes of action, persistent and new challenges are encountered in daily practice that need to be overcome. Patients show primary and acquired resistance discrepancy in clinical and radiological benefit as well as life- threatening adverse events. These challenges and obstacles can only be overcome in an integrative and multidisciplinary team. Thus, the EHA SWG aims to provide a platform combining patient care, research, outreach, training and education to foster clinical and translational studies with rapid transition into patient benefit.

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