SWG Educational Activities
EHA-SWG meetings held in the past calendar year:
- International Workshop on Biomarkers in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia: The Art of Synthesis
Belgrade, Serbia (16-17 March 2018)
Chair: Kostas Stamatopoulos
Goal: Guidelines for diagnosis, indications for treatment, response assessment and supportive management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
- International Workshop Biomarker-Guided Management of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
Moscow, Russia (13 April 2018)
Chair: Kostas Stamatopoulos
Goal: To educate the audience on theoretical and practical aspects of IG and TP53 mutational analysis and cytogenetics
- ERIC Workshop on IG Analysis
Tel-Aviv, Israel (04 July 2018)
Chair: Paolo Ghia
Goal: To educate the audience on the role of biomarkers in CLL.
SWG sessions at EHA congress:
- 45th General Assembly of ERIC Members at the 23rd Congress of EHA
Stockholm, Sweden (14 June 2018)
Chair: Paolo Ghia
Goal: To provide ERIC Members with an update on ERIC activities and ongoing projects/announcements.
- ERIC Scientific Workshop at the 23rd Congress of EHA
Stockholm, Sweden
ERIC workshop at the EHA-ISHBT Hematology Tutorial 2020
Chandigarh, India (February 27, 2020)
Invited lectures:
- 41th Annual conference of Mumbai Hematology group, Mumbai (India), 14 March 2018. ERIC presentations in front of 30 hematologists from India.
- Taiwan Hematological Working Group, Taipei (Taiwan, 2 April 2018). ERIC presentation in front of 20 haematologists from Taiwan.
Presentations at national and international meetings:
- Late breaking abstract at the 23rd Congress of EHA
Stockholm, Sweden
Title: Half of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients Relapsing onder Ibrutinib Carry Btk and Plcg2 Mutations: A European Research Initiative on Cll (Eric) Real-World Study
Presenter: Lydia Scarfò, MD
Clinical trials promoted by or involving the SWG:
- Retrospective observational study exploring the efficacy of bendamustine and rituximab in first line treatment in CLL
Collaborations on international projects promoted by or involving the SWG:
- The role of Complex caryotype in predicting clinical outcome and comparison of screening assays to detect it.
Grants received by SWG related networks or principal investigators:
- ERIC is a partner in the H2020 Harmony project “Big Data to enable better and faster treatment for Patients with Hematological Malignancies”.