Highlights from the SWG

Gina Zini leads a Faculty for morphological analysis of digitalized blood and bone marrow cells which organized a new round robin test in 2018.

In 2018, the annual session of the SWG took place during the EHA meeting in Stockholm devoted to Minimal residual disease in mature B-cell malignancies with a morphology talk by Gina Zini, and two flow presentations by Vincent van den Velden on Myeloma MRD and Andy Rawstron on CLL MRD.

The SWG also presented in Cairo at the HOPE meeting.

The 2.5-days workshop that took place early in February 2018 in Barcelona was a great success with 117 registered participants from many countries and certainly expectations for oncoming meetings. During this event, the SWG had a “godfather” who provided “red tape” advice and imagined a “talk show” about the relationships between the laboratory and the clinician for the best management of CLL.

Both the chair and co-chair participated in several meetings throughout the year, including the flow cytometry school of Iuri Marinov in Prague in May. Finally, together with Anna Prowit (Lund, Sweden), MC Béné published a book "Multiparameter flow cytometry in the diagnosis of hematological malignancies” with Cambridge University Press.

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