Chairs and Members


Giancarlo Castaman, University of Florence - Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy)


Anna Falanga, University of Milan Bicocca and Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy)

SWG Steering Committee

  • Ajay K Kakkar, Thrombosis Research Institute, London (United Kingdom)
  • Augusto Federici, University of Milan, University Hospital Luigi Sacco, Milan (Italy)
  • Avi Leader, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (Israel)
  • Bettina Kemkes-Matthes, Universitätsklinikum Gießen und Marburg, Giessen (Germany)
  • Frank Leebeek, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
  • Grigoris Gerotziafas, Institut Universitaire de Cancérologie, Paris (France)
  • Hugo ten Cate, Maastricht University Medical Center, Maastricht (The Netherlands)
  • Ismail Elalam, AP-HP, Hôpital Tenon, Paris (France)
  • Jose A. Páramo, CIMA-University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)
  • Mariella Catalano, University of Milan, Milan (Italy)
  • Marina Marchetti, Hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII, Bergamo (Italy)
  • Mettine Bos, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden (The Netherlands)
  • Nicola Mutch, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen (United Kingdom)
  • Per Morten Sandset, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo (Norway)
  • Rupert M. Bauersachs, Max Ratschow Clinic, Darmstadt (Germany)
  • Saskia Middeldorp, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
  • Tselepis Alexandros, University of Ioannina, Ioannina (Greece)
  • Yona Nadir, Rambam Health Care Campus, Haifa (Israel)
  • Zsuzsanna Bereczky, University of Debrecen, Debrecen (Hungary)

SWG members

  • Alberto Tosetto (Italy)
  • Alice Trinchero (Switzerland)
  • Carlo Zaninetti (Germany)
  • Cheng-Hock Toh (United Kingdom)
  • Chiara Ambaglio (Italy)
  • Francesca Schieppati (Italy)
  • Francois Mullier (Belgium)
  • Giancarlo Agnelli (Italy)
  • Ingrid Pabinger (Austria)
  • János Kappelmayer (Hungary)
  • Marcel Levi (The Netherlands)
  • Marcello Di Nisio (Italy)
  • Paul Kyrle (Austria)
  • Ramón Lecumberri (Spain)
  • Teresa Sevivas (Portugal)
  • Ulrike Nowak-Gottl (Germany)
  • Vicente Vicente (Spain)
  • Zsuzsa Bagoly (Hungary)

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