EHA Research Grants

The call for applications is open! Apply before December 15, 2022 at 12:00 (noon) CET.  Apply here.

EHA Research Grants support talented junior researchers in advancing their career, e.g. towards becoming the leader of a research group.

If you have ambition for advancing your career and you have the support of your department and institute, welcome to the homepage for EHA Research Grants!

Please note that the EHA Research Grants are intended for basic and translational lab-based research in hematology. Purely clinical research projects will not be eligible, nor projects in health economics or other non-lab-based research. An exception can be the translational part of a clinical trial, although it must be relevant and novel.

Applicants may be of any nationality, but the home or host institute must be an academic research center or proven equivalent, and one of them must be in located in Europe.

At the time of application, the applicant should be a member of EHA or EHA Guest.

Which category of EHA Research Grants is for me?

Junior Research Grant: €50.000 - per year, for 3 years

Advanced Research Grant: €80.000 - per year, for 3 years

Physician Scientist Research Grant: €80.000 - per year, for 3 years

IMPORTANT! If your project is in hemoglobinopathies, be sure to select the Topic-in-Focus version of your category! EHA has earmarked 2 grants for research in Hemoglobinopathies, with a focus on Sickle Cell Disease. 

EHA’s Fellowships & Grants Committeeselects the winners, with the help of external reviewers and the support of the EHA office.  

How to apply? 

Read the Step by Step Research Grant guide for detailed information on eligibility, the application process and what to expect as a winner.

Read the Guidelines for EHA Grant Management system to ensure your application is processed correctly.

Do not forget to review EHA Terms and Conditions and EHA policy on double awarding.

For any remaining questions regarding the funding scheme or the process, please contact the Talent Accelerator department at 

Research Grants process explained

Applying, reviewing and selection process explained in detail.

Research Grants Guide

Open the Step-by-step Guide for detailed information on eligibility, the application process and what to expect as a winner.

The application system

Guidelines for the EHA Research Grant application system, explained step-by-step.

Terms & conditions

Read the fine print carefully before applying for an EHA Research Grant.

EHA's policy on double awarding

Read this if you are applying for more than one EHA opportunity.

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