EHA Kick-off Grants

This call is now closed. 

Kick-off Grant 

The EHA Kick-off Grant is a 1-year grant intended to support basic and translational early career researchers in hematology.

The grant wants to kick-off novel concepts and ideas. In this regard the grant seeks to support high-risk but potentially high impact research ideas. You have a new research question but lacking solid preliminary data? This is what this grant is seeking to fund.

Eligible proposals will be hypothesis driven and with a strong scientific question. The focus should be on hypothesis testing and not hypothesis generating. Ideas must be focused, with achievable results within the 1-year timeframe.

This grant should not be for development of commercial technology unless there is a solid research question behind it. This grant does not support projects aimed only at descriptive sequencing or profiling. 

Eligibility criteria:

Applicants should be:  

  • Basic and translational lab-based researchers in hematology. 
  • Up to 8 years post PhD graduation, exceptions must be justified. 
  • PhD students in the final year of their PhD study only if they are enrolled in a post doc position  
  • MDs with a keen interest in pursuing a career in research, up to 8 years after MD graduation or up to 8 years after PhD graduation, whichever came last. Exceptions must be justified. 
  • The host institute must be an academic research centre or a proven equivalent in Europe. 


  • Applicants who are current recipients of an EHA research grant are not eligible to apply. 
  • Applicants who are past recipients of an EHA Grant can apply if their previous project period has successfully ended.  
  • Applicants who have received other EHA opportunities such as TRTH or CRTH are not excluded from applying.  

EHA’s Policy on life Events & Eligibility

  • For each child/pregnancy, a mother can add 18 months to the time since graduation and a father can add 3 months. 
  • Other life events, e.g., military service, disease or lab closure can also extend the period of eligibility but must be justified. 

All applicants with questions about eligibility should contact the EHA Grants Manager at before submitting an application. 

What is supported?

  • Lab Consumables 
  • Max €2,000 for attendance of EHA congress during the project year
  • Max €5,000 for equipment, if properly justified.
  • If the amount is not sufficient to fully cover the expenses, details must be shared for how the other expenses are to be covered.
  • Specification of maximum amount of funding by justification of budget.
  • All expenditures must be documented with original receipts, vouchers, or invoices. 

What is not supported?

  • Overhead costs 
  • Personnel costs 
  • Travel costs, other than to the EHA Congress as indicated above.  
  • Applications seeking funding for existing, running projects.
  • Applications should not be for development of commercial technology unless there is a solid research question behind it. 

Terms and Conditions

Grantee will be held to EHA’s Terms and Conditions as described here.  


  • Call for Applications is closed.

  • Award Notification after Mid December 2022 

How to apply

Access the grantee portal and register yourself via Should you be the recipient of an EHA Research Grant in the past 5 years, or applied for any other EHA opportunity through the EHA portal-, you already have an account that you can access either by logging in using your existing credentials or by selecting ‘Reset or create password’ if you do not have your log in details yet. Be sure to use the email address that EHA has on file. If you encounter any issues, please contact

Please keep in mind that once you register, it may take up to two business days before your registration is processed and you are given access to the system. Registrations are approved Monday to Friday between 8:00- 18:00 hrs Amsterdam time. You are advised to plan accordingly as delays occasioned by late registration will not exempt you from the deadline.

A complete application includes:

  • Online application form
  • Max 3-page* proposal to include:
    • Rationale for the project (max half page)
    • How the project will be carried out (max half page)
    • What you are aiming to achieve with this project (max half page)
    • Timeline
    • Career plan
    • Impact of this grant in future research (i.e., is it preliminary data to be used for future grants?) 

*References will not count towards the 3-page maximum but should be limited to a 1-page max. 

  • A properly justified budget of up to €50,000 for 1 year to be filled into the online form.
  • Signed Supervisor Letter of Support, stating how the project differs from the supervisor's focus, max 2-pgs.
  • Statement from the Institute representative clearly accepting EHA’s terms and conditions- max 1-page.
  • PhD students (in their final year) need to submit proof of host lab for the project and confirmation of PostDoc enrolment.  

All documents to be uploaded should be in pdf format with page numbers and with name of applicant and project title in the header/footer. 

Review and Selection  

At the close of the call, the EHA Grants team will perform an eligibility check of the applications. Applicants will be informed of the status of their application, either eligible or ineligible. There will be no additional feedback.  

Eligible applications will undergo a one-step review and selection process by EHA’s Fellowships & Grants Committee. Applicants can expect to be informed of the status of their application after December 13, 2022.  

Finishing the grant period 

At the end of the project, grantees will be expected to report on the project as follows:  

  • One end of project report, max 2 pages, due 8 weeks after the project end date. In the report the following questions should be answered:  
    • How did the project fare? (Please provide a description of how your project has developed since you received the funding, what went well and what did not.) 
    • What outcome has this grant had on your career in general?  
    • Did the grant provide you with preliminary results to enable you apply for more funding?  

Contact the Grants Manager at 


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