How to apply for an EHA Research Grant

On this page, we explain all of the actions you'll need to take when submitting a grant application.

You can also get a basic overview of the process in our EHA Research Grants diagram.

Before you begin

Make sure you've read and understood:

Terms and conditions

Before you submit an application, you must read the terms and conditions for EHA Research Grants.

You should also share this document with:

  • Your head of department
  • A relevant administrative or legal representative at your institute and/or your host institute (depending on your circumstances)

To avoid potential issues with your application or project, it's important that these individuals understand and agree to the terms and conditions from the outset.

EHA Portal account

To apply, you must be registered on the EHA Portal. You can find detailed information on this platform in our step-by-step guide to using the EHA Portal.

If you already have an EHA Portal account

You can either:

  • Log in using your existing credentials
  • Select ‘Reset or create password’ if you cannot remember your details

When you log in, make sure you use the email address that EHA has on file.

If you do not have an EHA Portal account

Go to the EHA Portal and follow the steps under the ‘Create your user profile’ heading.

Please keep in mind that, once you register, it may take up to two business days before your registration is processed and you get access to the system.

Registrations are approved from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 18:00, Amsterdam time.

If you submit your application after the deadline date due to late EHA Portal registration, it will not be considered.

If you need help with EHA Portal

If you experience issues with registration or accessing your account, our Grants team can help. You can email them at

If your project is in hemoglobinopathies

You should select the ‘Topic-in-Focus’ version of your category. EHA has earmarked a grant for research in hemoglobinopathies, with a focus on sickle cell disease.

Documents you must submit

As part of your application, you must to submit the following documents. All documents must be in PDF format.

There are also some specific rules on:

  • Formatting
  • File names

We explain these at the end of this page.

Project proposal

Your proposal document should be no more than eight pages long.

This includes any:

  • Figures
  • Abstracts
  • References

If you go over this limit, your application will be ineligible. This means we will not review it.

SWOT analysis

A SWOT analysis is a planning tool that's used to identify

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Opportunities
  • Threats

You must prepare one of these for your project. When doing so, you should consider:

  • If the aims are interdependent
  • How you plan to deal with different scenarios

Your SWOT analysis should be no more than two pages long.

Project timeline

You must include a one-page document that explains your project's timeline.

Letters of support

Letter from your mentor

This letter must:

  • Be on your institute’s letterhead
  • Include a description of the mentoring plan
  • Include your mentor's signature

It should be no more than two pages long.

Letters from department heads

You must include letters from the department heads of involved institutes. These letters should be on institute letterheads, and be no longer than one page each.

Each letter should include:

  • A description of the institutional commitment and facilities to support the project
  • A description of how the proposed project will fit into the current research of the department
  • An acceptance statement that makes it clear that possible overhead costs for the EHA Research Grant will be paid for with funds other than the grant
  • A statement that confirms the institute accepts the terms and conditions as they appear on EHA’s website
  • The department head's signature
If you're applying for a Physician Scientist Research Grant

In addition to the above, you must also include a signed statement from your department head about the project's time commitment. This must state that at least 50% ‘protected time’ will be allocated to you so you can perform the research.

This letter should be no more than one page long.

If your mentor is also the department head

You can submit one letter from them that covers all of the above points.

This letter should be no more than three pages long.

Signed statements of institutional support

You must include signed statements of institutional support from your institute.

In this statement, the institute must agree to the terms and conditions as they appear on EHA’s website.

The statement must be signed by the legally mandated administrative authority of the institute.

Statements should be no longer than one page.

Formatting and file requirements

All documents should have text that's:

  • In the Times New Roman font
  • 11 point
  • Single spaced

Research proposal document

You should combine the following documents into a single PDF:

  • Project proposal
  • SWOT analysis
  • Timeline

You should give this document a name that uses the following format:

  • FirstName.LastName_ResearchProposal.pdf

In all cases:

  • The documents should be digital files rather than scans
  • Each page should have a page number, the applicant’s name, and project title in the
    header or footer

Support letters document

You should combine the following documents into a single PDF:

  • Mentor support letter
  • Head of department letter
  • Administrative authority letter

You should give this document a name that uses the following format:

  • FirstName.LastName_SupportLetters.pdf

The document must have page numbers.

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