
EHA strives to accelerate the career of promising researchers in hematology by funding:

  • Lab-based research of promising talented junior researchers and physician-scientists with EHA Research Grants
  • The temporary stay of a collaborator at a research institute with:
    • EHA Research Mobility Grants or
    • for Japan, with the EHA-JSH Fellowship Exchange Program
    • ISTH fellowship

EHA Research Grants

EHA supports the careers of early career investigators doing basic or translational research by funding their research. Find out how you can apply for EHA funding here.

EHA Research Mobility Grants

Do you want to take collaboration to the next level?

EHA Bilateral Collaborative Grant

Intended to encourage and support collaboration between two independent research groups in basic/translational hematology research, that are located in two different European countries.

EHA Kick-off Grants

Intended to support basic and transnational early-career researchers in hematology and allow them to test a high-risk but potentially high impact idea.

Non-EHA Funding Opportunities

Find other interesting funding opportunities for European researches in hematology.

EHA Grants Hall of Fame

Past research funding winners

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