José Carreras Award

José Carreras, who himself underwent a transplant procedure in Seattle, USA, in 1988, was instrumental in setting up the José Carreras Foundation in Barcelona. The Foundation has established a program of scholarships for scientists working in the field. He has also personally supported many other clinical and basic aspects of hematopoietic stem cell transplant activity on both sides of the Atlantic.

The Jose Carreras Award was established to honor leaders in hematological research and is presented each year to an established and active investigator who has made an important contribution to hematology.

Every year, the EHA Board selects a winner. The award is presented in the Opening Ceremony of the Annual Congress, in which the winner is invited to deliver a lecture.

The winner of the José Carreras Lecture and Award 2022 is Marina Cavazzana (Necker Hospital, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France), for her role as an established and active investigator who has made an important contribution to hematology.

Marina Cavazana 4

Professor Marina Cavazzana presented the 2022 José Carreras Award Lecture during EHA2022 Hybrid Congress.

Previous winners of the EHA José Carreras Award

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