EHA Education & Mentoring Award

“Educating and mentoring are a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.”

EHA wishes to recognize excellent teachers and mentors at any stage of their career, providing mentorship, training and formation of personal skills of high educational value in the discipline of hematology, related to basics and fundamentals of clinic and/or research, including applications or emerging topics of heightened interest. The emphasis is on both the delivery and quality of the education and mentorship provided. The EHA recognizes the diversity of the hematology community and this award focuses on Education and Mentoring in Hematology regardless of academic qualifications, setting or language in which teaching occurs. Nomination, application and supporting documents should be provided in English.

Criteria for selection will include:

  • Excellence in education, including teaching technology, evaluation methods, administrative efforts, etc.,
  • Dedication and effort on behalf of student education and/or in support of research mentorship,
  • Demonstrated high level of teaching effectiveness and/or high level of research mentoring effectiveness, supported by student research scholarship and evaluations, and
  • Innovation in education.

It is preferred that recipients of the EHA Education and Mentoring Award be members of EHA. However, the EHA Nomination Committee may approve the presentation to a non-member upon the recommendation of the EHA nominator.

Nomination is now closed.


In June 2022 two EHA Education & Mentoring Awards were conferred to:

Professor Shai Israeli (Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel, Israel) for his outstanding efforts towards educating and mentoring hematologists worldwide.

Shai israel 3

Professor Ali T Taher (American University of Beirut, Beirut) for his outstanding efforts towards educating and mentoring hematologists worldwide.

ali taher 2



Previous winners of the EHA Education & Mentoring Awards

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