
If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

We aim for long-term relationships with our partners and sponsors. The beneficial relationship connecting the biomedical industry, the medical profession and EHA is of vital importance for our core activities. This relationship is protected by a Good Governance Policy, making both parties accountable to the general public.

Advantages of supporting EHA

Supporting EHA means, you help us continue our mission of promoting hematology awareness on a global scale and advocate for policies, which support the rapid cure of blood diseases.

In exchange, you strengthen your brand in front of hematology professionals in Europe and beyond. EHA has over than 5000 members from all over the world. In addition our Annual Congress brings together more than 10,000 delegates with a passion for hematology every year.

More benefits to support EHA:

  • Acknowledgment and promotion in printed and electronic materials
  • Complimentary registration for meetings
  • Complimentary registration for EHA Campus
  • Preferential treatment: priority assignment at the Annual Congress (time slot satellite, exhibition space, hotel)
  • Invitations to sponsor industry meetings and projects

Corporate sponsors 2022

Platinum sponsor

   bms logo 150 rgb posjsn ta onc prof color rgb  Novartis OncologyWEBSITE
AbbVieLogoWEBSITE3  sanofi  Astellas

Gold sponsor

  GCP KITE Primary logos incyte AZ CMYK H COLGenmab LOGO 250x121vertex logo sop r rgbamgentakeda logo 436x244 002GSK 2019  BGNE LOGO HORTZ COLOR BREDMID RGBRegeneron Logo Sci to Med Pink tagline

Silver sponsor

 Jazz Pharma 4C     pfizer newRoche LogoWEBSITE2GBT primary logo RGB Loxo Lillyadaptivebiotech logo adaptiveblue RGB 2021 3233x989stemline

Bronze sponsor

 Servier logoAgios 2021 Logo  jpg UCB logo reflex RGBDS Logo Special format 4color rgb 120207   Syndax Logo02852 MSD Logo W Anthem Horizontal TealGrey RGB 1 1Blueprint Logo RGB full color 1otsuka


karyopharm  Celltrionhealthcare 500px  Company Logo  Sobi logo RGB Feb 2019 181x51Astex Logo S tag Otsuka Group PMS v4  GRIFOLS LOGO  argenx logo CMYK 20 03 23 Forma AllLogoLockups Rball RGB 03 1CTI Logo PMS 1Cogent Logo Full Color RBG 1 CRISPR Logo 1 002

Please note: This is a test site. Please visit our production site here: https://ehaweb.org.