National societies

How we collaborate with and support the work of national hematology societies.

To ensure that the professional hematology community is served in the best possible way, EHA pursues close collaboration with national hematology societies within and beyond Europe.

By sharing information, coordinating activities, and combining forces where possible, we seek to:

  • Reinforce each other
  • Ensure our actions are complementary
  • Optimize impact

On this page, we outline some of the specific programs and initiatives that involve or help to support national societies.

Education and training

We offer a unique, independent medical education program that can benefit every hematologist in Europe.

We support national societies and collaborate with them on a number of educational services. These include:

Continuing medical education (CME) accreditation

The European Board for Accreditation in Hematology (EBAH) is an official EHA committee. As part of its work, it reviews and accredits continuing medical education (CME)—helping hematologists to feel confident that a specific program will deliver independent and high-quality education.

National societies are eligible to become official ‘EBAH-CME’ providers, and can accredit their events according to EBAH standards and guidelines.

European affairs

As part of our work, we:

  • Seek and welcome alignment with national societies on policy and regulatory challenges, both at national and EU level
  • Regularly invite input from national societies for our EU-level advocacy
  • Continue to work with national societies to advance the goals of the joint Madrid Declaration of 2017

You can find out more about the actions we're taking in this important area by visiting the European affairs section.

Specialized working groups

All national societies can participate in EHA's specialized working groups (SWGs). These bodies help to:

  • Foster innovation and collaboration within the field of hematology
  • Spread knowledge in basic, translational, and clinical research

Joint membership offers

We've joined forces with over a dozen national societies to offer joint membership deals for researchers and physicians who specialize or are interested in hematology.

This special type of membership package offers eligible applicants:

  • A discount on EHA membership
  • Access to both societies' membership benefits

To find out more about the benefits of this collaboration, visit our joint EHA and national society membership page.

Connect with us

We welcome direct communication with national hematological societies based anywhere in the world.

To get in touch, email us at

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