Turkey tutorial focused on lymphoma

Turkey Tutorial photo 6

The 8th EHA-TSH Hematology Tutorial was held on April 6-7, 2019 in Izmir, Turkey. This marks yet another pleasant and fruitful collaboration between EHA and the Turkish Society of Hematology. This time, the tutorial focused on the topic of lymphoma and was chaired by Prof Anton Hagenbeek (NL) on behalf of EHA, and Prof Guner Hayri Özsan (TU) on behalf of TSH.

Organized for Turkish fellows only, this tutorial was part of the TSH program called the Turkish School of Hematology. It was an excellent learning opportunity for young hematologists from all over Turkey who were invited to attend.

The meeting was very educational, I call myself lucky for being a part of it. I hope that EHA&TSH tutorials will continue.

Anonymous delegate

Thirty-one young hematologists, some only in the program for 2 months at the time of the meeting, from 9 different cities of Ankara, Antalya, Erdine, Ezurum, Istanbul, Izmir, Kocaeli, Konya and Mersin attended the tutorial.

The small group allowed for a workshop-like atmosphere which was very conducive to interaction. Productive discussions about the situation and availability of treatment options in Turkey versus other possibilities not (yet) available, or not possible due to the social and economic situation in Turkey arose. All speakers provided realistic and adapted solutions for the various questions from the audience about real patient cases.

The sessions were led by the following speakers from Turkey, The Netherlands, Italy and France:

  • Ayşegül Üner (TU)
  • Okan Falay (TU)
  • Olga Meltem Akay (TU)
  • Burhan Ferhanoğlu (TU)
  • Anton Hagenbeek (NL)
  • Pervin Topcuoğlu (TU)
  • Massimo Federico (IT)
  • Olivier Hermine (FR)

Turkey Tutorial photo 5

Professor Hagenbeek opens the tutorial

The meeting consisted of 8 sessions during which a lecture, one clinical case and one self-assessment case were presented. Prof Anton Hagenbeek gave a special lecture titled “Update on CAR-T cell treatment of relapsed / refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)”, rather than the traditional session.

It was a very interactive meeting, it’s a great pleasure for us to be able to asking questions to dear speakers and contacting with them face to face.

Anonymous delegate

Last Updated on Wednesday 26 June 2019.

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