Tutorial on thalassemia focused on best treatment

EHA-SHRC Hematology Tutorial on Thalassemia | May 10-11, 2019 | Shiraz, Iran

Almost 90 delegates from Shiraz and other cities in Iran learned how to identify the best treatment for each thalassemia patient at the EHA-SHRC Hematology Tutorial on Thalassemia on May 10-11, 2018 in Shiraz, Iran.

On top of that, they also learned to:

  • diagnose and classify different types of Thalassemia,
  • identify the best treatment for each patient,
  • monitor the different types of treatment,
  • approach iron overload and its management in Transfusion Dependent Thalassemia (TDT) and Non Transfusion-Dependent Thalassemia (NTDT), and
  • manage difficult cases based on developed complications both in TDT and NTDT.

This was the first tutorial organized together by EHA and the Shiraz Hematology Research Center (SHRC). The tutorial was made possible in partnership with the Iran Ministry of Health, the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences and the Iranian Pediatric Hematology & Oncology Society (IPHOS).

The tutorial was designed for all specialists in Iran with a focus on red blood cells and iron (physiology and disease) from a clinical perspective.

“The meeting was really excellent and well-organized” – faculty member

The tutorial gathered national and international physicians who discussed the latest updates on diagnosis and treatment of thalassemia, especially complicated cases. The faculty from Iran, Italy and Lebanon presented lectures, clinical cases and interactive self-assessment cases in each session.

“It was a great opportunity for me to contribute in this excellent Tutorial meeting in my beautiful city with collaboration of authorities of the Hematology from EHA” – Dr Shahriari (Faculty)

The main topics discussed were:

  • Updated clinical manifestations, diagnosis and blood transfusion in TDT
  • Iron chelation in TDT
  • Approach to TDT complications
  • Indications for transfusion and splenectomy in TDT and NTDT
  • Updated diagnosis and management in NTDT
  • NTDT complications
  • Iron chelation and novel medical treatment in NTDT
  • Hemoglobin H disease (HbH) and sickle thalassemia

They all presented lectures and cases in different sessions, with intense and extended discussion with the audience during break period. There was even an impromptu case presentation from a delegate who was currently working a difficult case and used this opportunity to discuss the case with the experts and her peers.

“Waiting for upcoming tutorials and seminars in the next future.” – anonymous delegate

The scientific content and quality of the tutorial was considered high, with 95% rating the meeting good to excellent. 95% of respondents also considered the meeting to help achieve their objectives, with the knowledge of speakers considered excellent by 78% of respondents.  85% of respondents would attend the next tutorial.

Overall, 68% rated the meeting as excellent, 25% rated it as good.

EHA would like to thank SHRC, the chairs, the faculty, the sponsors and the scientific program committee for their invaluable contribution to this excellent meeting.

Last Updated on Wednesday 18 July 2018.

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