Second EHA-SAH tutorial in Argentina, another success

IMG 1455

Hematologists from South America and mainland US gathered in Argentina on September 14-15 for brain-stretching exercises on the topics of lymphoid malignancies and plasma cell dyscrasias.

Faculty member Prof Ton Hagenbeek observed that there was high attendance from a young group of hematologists:

"Eager young hematologists, great faculty not sparing each other in interactive discussions. Excellent overviews. Fun."

A total of 129 delegates attended the meeting from Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and the USA. In addition, a group of 50 delegates from Uruguay followed the meeting via live stream. Presentations were done in Spanish and English, with simultaneous translations available both ways. The European experts that presented were Prof MV Mateos, Prof P Borchmann, Prof A Hagenbeek and Prof R Foà. The meeting was chaired by SAH President Prof D Fantl, Prof G Kusminsky of SAH and Prof R Foà, who represented EHA.

The Uruguay delegation found it a very positive experience and sent their gratitude to the faculty. Dr L Quiroga, a faculty member, said:

“I felt that the success of the tutorial was the fluid interaction between the audience and faculty”

The meeting consisted of six sessions that contained a lecture, a clinical case and two self-assessment cases. Topics included:

  • diagnosis of multiple myeloma and plasma cell dyscrasias,
  • treatment in clinical scenarios,
  • Hodgkin lymphoma,
  • aggressive lymphoma,
  • t-cell lymphoma, and
  • indolent lymphoma.

The seventh session was a special lecture on CLL given by Prof Robin Foà.

Prof MV Mateos, also a member of the faculty noted:

I would like to remark the high scientific quality of hematologists from Argentina, and the interaction they had with us. Both are key aspects that have contributed to the success of the meeting.”

More than 70% of the participants found it a stimulating meeting with 90% rating it as excellent.

Session in full swing at SAH EHA Hematology Tutorial2

Prof Juan Pablo Arriola presenting his clinical case during the T-cell lymphoma session.

Last Updated on Friday 16 November 2018.

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