Release of the First Handbook on CAR-T Cells in Europe

Handbook 3

Barcelona, 9, February, 2022 – The EBMT and EHA are proud to announce the release of the first-ever open-access book on CAR-T cells to be officially launched during the EBMT-EHA 4th European CAR-T Cell Meeting (Feb 10-12, 2022, Virtual).

The EBMT/EHA CAR-T Cell Handbook, published by Springer, covers several aspects of CAR-T cell treatments, including the underlying biology, indications, management of side-effects, access and manufacturing issues.

This book, written by leading experts in the field to enhance readers’ knowledge and practical skills, provides an expansive overview of the CAR-T cell technology and its application in clinical care.

Prof Nicolaus Kröger, EBMT President explains: “The launch of the CAR-T Cell handbook reflects the truly collaborative achievement across EBMT and EHA. This demonstrates once again that putting our experience and competencies in common, we can enhance our education goals and ultimately improve the care of our patients.”

Prof Christian Chabannon, Chair of the EBMT Cellular Therapy and Immunobiology Working Party adds: “This handbook reaches the objective to provide an overview of the CAR-T technology and the readers, physicians and nurses, will find real application in clinical care”.

Prof John Gribben, EHA Past President comments: “The EHA-EBMT handbook will serve as a vital resource for those working on the CART field in Europe and provides another wonderful example of how the collaboration between EBMT and EHA continues to enhance the field of CART research and clinical development in Europe”.

Prof Hermann Einsele, Chair of the EHA Scientific Workshop Group Immunotherapy of Hematological Maligancies adds: “This handbook will be a very important tool to educate and motivate young scientists, medical doctors, technicians and nurses to engage in this novel and promising treatment strategy.”

This book is in Open Access on springer,com:


About the EBMT

The EBMT is a not-for-profit medical and scientific organisation established in 1974. It is dedicated to fighting life-threatening blood cancers and diseases and improving patients’ lives with more than 5,000 physicians, nurses, scientists and other healthcare professionals - participating in a unique collaborative network of peers involved in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and cellular therapy research.

The Registry is the backbone of the EBMT. It is the only data source of its kind in Europe. The data is submitted continuously by EBMT centre members. The Registry has data on HSCT procedures including details on disease, transplant type, donor type and stem cell source. It contains data on patients that have undergone HSCT and also patients receiving immunosuppressive therapies or cellular therapies. The Registry also offers the possibility to enter donors’ follow-up data, which is crucial to ensure maximum donor safety.

The Registry underpins extensive European research that translates into changes in clinical practice and improvements in patient outcome and care.

  • For further information about the EBMT, please visit
  • Follow EBMT on LinkedIn (EBMT), Twitter (@TheEBMT) and Facebook (TheEBMT)

Contact :

Mélanie Chaboissier, EBMT Communication Coordinator

Phone: +34 93 453 8570 - Email:

About EHA

The European Hematology Association (EHA) ( promotes excellence
in patient care, research and education in hematology. EHA envisions a world without
blood disorders by connecting hematologists worldwide, supporting their career
development and research, harmonizing hematology education and advocating the
interests of hematology and hematologists in the European arena. EHA publishes
HemaSphere (, an online open access journal, dedicated to
support hematology patient care, research, and education worldwide.


Francesco Cerisoli, EHA Head of Research & Mentoring


Last Updated on Wednesday 09 February 2022.

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