Hans Erik Johnsen 1948-2018

Hans Erik Johnsen

On May 17, 2018, just after his 70th birthday, Hans Erik Johnsen passed away.

Hans Johnsen was Professor of Clinical Hematology at the Department of Hematology at Aalborg University in Denmark. He was trained as a specialist in Internal Medicine and Hematology in Aarhus University, where he also completed his PhD thesis, entitled: “Lymphocyte subpopulations in man. Identification by membrane markers and functional characterization.” This interest in lymphoid biology and neoplasms would guide his scientific development and career.

For several years Hans was a member of the EHA Scientific Program Committee responsible for composing EHA’s Congress Program; a role he fulfilled with dedication and flair. In addition, he chaired and presented in numerous sessions always pursuing the importance of hematology research, especially in the field of Multiple Myeloma; an area in which he was a great expert.

Hans also has had major contributions to the European Myeloma Network. He was a founding member, board member and secretary of “European Myeloma Network” (EMN) from 2004. In 2007, he became the coordinator of the European Myeloma Stem cell Network (MSCNET), funded by EU FP6. He was still actively pursuing scientific questions and presented interesting data at the recent Myeloma Workshop in Torino.

He has coordinated numerous scientific projects and grants, published 286 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and supervised more than 50 PhD and Master students.

Hans Johnsen was a great scientist and an original investigator. He was also a friendly and pleasant person and colleague. It was an honour and pleasure to work with him. His contributions to the founding and development of the European Myeloma Network have been significant and essential for its current success. Our sympathy goes to his family and friends.

Last Updated on Wednesday 23 May 2018.

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