GoCART coalition activities (CARTs and cellular therapies)

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GoCART Clinical Case Discussion Series for Physicians - 4th edition

Panel: Dr. Sara Ghorashian, Dr. Peter Bader and Dr. Franco Locatelli along with moderator Dr. Osman Ahmed

18 January 2022 | 16:00-17:00 CET

Join us for our fourth webinar of the series which focuses on paediatric cases and, as always, registration is free! During each edition we present and discuss two clinical cases to help you learn from the experiences of experts in the field.

If you haven’t already, click here to register.Screenshot 1

Our experts, from left to right: Dr. Peter Bader, Dr. Sara Ghorashian and Dr. Franco Locatelli


GoCART Nurses Best Practice Sharing Series - 1st edition

Panel: Ruth Clout along with moderators Michelle Kenyon and John Murray

20 January 2022 | 16:30-17:00 CET

The GoCART Coalition and the EBMT Nurses Group are launching a new monthly webinar series on CAR T-cell therapies for nurses. Join us for 30 minutes on Thursday for our first webinar covering CRS and neurotoxicity with Ruth Clout, Christie Hospital, Manchester. Registration is now open and free! Click here to sign up.


Our expert: Ruth Clout

Want to know more about these webinars? Visit our website for more information.

Last Updated on Monday 17 January 2022.

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