EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Pediatric Hematology 2022

kid pediatrics

On April 7-9, 2022 the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on Pediatric Hematology was successfully held at the NH Collection Vittorio Veneto hotel in Rome.

The meeting was chaired by five representatives of different EHA Scientific Working Groups (SWG):

  • Prof A Iolascon, SWG on Red Cell and Iron
  • Prof C Balduini, SWG on Thrombocytopenias and Platelet Function Disorders
  • Prof C Dufour, SWG on Granulocyte and Constitutional Marrow Failure Syndromes
  • Prof D Prati, SWG on Tranfusion medicine
  • Prof A Falanga (virtually), SWG on Bleeding and Thrombosis

The main goal of the meeting was to improve the knowledge of participants on how to diagnose treat inherited conditions during the pediatric age, this goal has certainly been met with the extensive program and excellent presentations given. During the meeting there was also plenty of opportunity for the delegates to network and for 1-1 discussions with the experts during the Welcome Ceremony,  the Meet the Chairmen session and during the coffee and lunch breaks.

The meeting consisted of eight sessions that featured presentations by experts followed by a Q&A for both the delegates on-site and online. On Thursday Prof J. Bueren gave a keynote lecture on  ‘’Gene therapy in Fanconi Anemia”. A second keynote lecture was given by Prof S. Giglio on ‘’Antenatal diagnosis and carrier screening in benign hematology’’.

The meeting included the following topics:

  • Bone marrow failures syndromes
  • Hemopoietic stem cell transplantation
  • Consultative pediatric hematology
  • Red cell disorders
  • Gene therapy and gene editing
  • Bleeding and coagulation disorders

All sessions were livestreamed directly in the virtual platform, resulting in attendees from countries all over the world, such as China, Turkey, Croatia and Malaysia. In the end, the meeting was attended by 184 participants (both virtual and physical) from over 40 countries/regions. The average rating of the meeting that was given by delegates was a 9.2/10.

‘’My colleagues and I were really pleased to have access to this meeting because it was really useful for us as we work in molecular biology at a pediatric hospital in Argentina.’’ – Anonymous delegate

‘’The meeting provided a wonderful atmosphere for talks and sharing ideas.’’ – Dr Simon Stanworth, faculty member

EHA would like to thank the meeting organizers, the faculty and the delegates for their contribution to the meeting’s success.

Last Updated on Thursday 30 June 2022.

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