EHA and EMBL-EBI are launching CBTH

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The Hague, May 2022 - The European Hematology Association (EHA) and the EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) are launching a new mentoring program, Computational Biology Training in Hematology (CBTH), this June.

CBTH will provide early-career researchers who aim to specialise in computational and quantitative biology aspects of hematology with a unique, year-long training and mentoring experience by top-tier faculty.

The inaugural call will open on 1 June 2022 with a view to accepting 20 talented early career researchers in hematology from European institutes.  The inaugural workshop is planned for January 2023. The CBTH program will be organised in two multi-day, immersive workshops in Europe and graduation of scholars at the EHA Congress. Dr. Peter Campbell from the Wellcome Sanger Institute and Dr. Sarah Morgan from EMBL-EBI are co-directing the program for this initial year.

EHA chair of research committee, Prof. Brian Huntly, says ““EHA acknowledges that the rate of progress to further our understanding of haematological disorders, and to improve outcomes for patients suffering from them, is dependent on fully utilising and interpreting the increasing wealth of experimental and clinical data available to us. The ease of access to clinical samples, the availability of highly representative model systems for both normal and malignant haematopoiesis and the growing complexity of patient diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring information available for haematological disorders, together with the enhanced use of “-omic” techniques, has increased the number, size and complexity of the datasets that we must analyse and interpret. Therefore, to increase capacity in computational biology specifically within Haematology, we have put together an exciting and bespoke training programme, CBTH - Computational Biology Training in Haematology, partnering with the flagship bioinformatic organisation within Europe, the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI). The training programme draws on experience gained from our highly successful and popular TRTH and CRTH programmes together with the world-leading expertise of EBI in training the next generation of computational biologists. Together, we look forward to training a new cohort of computational biologists to further haematology research and clinical impact.”

EMBL-EBI head of training, Dr. Cath Brooksbank, says “CBTH will empower a new generation of computational hematologists, accelerating data-driven research into blood-based diseases and their management”.

More information about the EHA mentoring programs can be found at

The European Hematology Association (EHA) promotes excellence in patient care, research, and education in hematology. EHA envisions a world without blood disorders by connecting hematologists worldwide, supporting their career development and research, harmonizing hematology education, and advocating the interests of hematology and hematologists in the European arena.

EMBL-EBI is an international, innovative, interdisciplinary, and champion of open data in the life sciences. It is part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), an intergovernmental research organisation funded by over 20 member states, prospect and associate member states.  It is situated on the Wellcome Genome Campus near Cambridge, UK, one of the world’s largest concentrations of scientific and technical expertise in genomics.


Mahban Irandoust, EHA project manager mentoring programs


Last Updated on Thursday 02 June 2022.

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