HARMONY: Big data for better and faster treatment


Gathering clinical, genetic and molecular information into a single database: this is the challenge taken on by the HARMONY Alliance. By bringing together data currently scattered across different clinical trial databases and registries, the HARMONY Alliance is harnessing the enormous potential of Big Data and Big Data analytics to deliver insights that will help improve the care of blood cancer patients.

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New data exchange platform on rare diseases

Medical records v3

The European Commission (EC) launched a new online knowledge-sharing platform – the European Platform on Rare Disease Registration (EU RD Platform) – on February 28, 2019.

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Mission ‘Gene Therapy’ for Horizon Europe

Horizon v7

Advanced therapies, such as gene therapy, hold promise for treating a wide range of chronic diseases and improving patients’ quality of life. As promising as these treatments are, they remain out of reach for many. 

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