3rd Highlights of Past EHA (HOPE) in 2020 focused on Latin America a success!

HOPE Visual LA

November 13, 2020

Meeting Chairs:

Prof J Gribben (European Hematology Association)
Prof G Stemmelin (Argentinian Society of Hematology)

On November 13, EHA and the Argentinian Society of Hematology (SAH) kicked-off the second HOPE Latin America meeting in a virtual format.

The meeting was offered free of charge to make it possible for as many hematologist in the region to participate and this was a great success! Attended by more than 575 attendees coming from over 29 countries beyond even the Latin America region, it was the first time that even hematologists from Cuba participated in the meetings.

“The scientific quality of the talks was excellent, and the discussion among faculty was lively and constructive.” – International Faculty

For this meeting the decision was made to organize a short, to the point program whilst still covering key topics from the EHA25 Virtual Congress. The day started with an EHA-SAH Joint Symposium on Transplantation, with a presentation by EHA President John Gribben on the stem cell transplantation highlights presented at EHA25. Afterwards, the program was divided in two parallel programs covering the topics acute myeloid leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, mantle cell lymphoma, pediatric hematology, thrombosis and hemostasis. Each session included a lecture by an EHA25 speaker and clinical case presentations given by local doctors. During the sessions the participants contributed actively by submitting questions for the faculty, which led to interesting discussions.

“The pandemic allows us to participate in meetings like this, and to share experience and knowledge. It was a very good experience for me and I hope that you like our job from Garrahan Hospital.” – Local clinical presenter

EHA would like to thank the organizing partner, the Argentinian Society (SAH), the supporting partner societies from Latin America, as well as the faculty and attendees for their contribution in making HOPE Latin America 2020 a great success.

Last Updated on Thursday 26 November 2020.

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