SWG Committee

Current committee members:

K Döhner, Germany (Chair)
D Bonnet, France (Vice-Chair)
A Casini, Italy
J Vormoor, The Netherlands
ZD Pana, Cyprus
A Maiques Diaz, Spain
H Einsele, Germany
I Aurer, Croatia
K Grønbæk, Denmark
I Andolfo, Italy
M Raaijmakers, The Netherlands


The SWG Committee is the coordinating body of EHA SWGs which aims to strengthen relations and the collaboration with SWGs. As such, its members are selected within and by the SWGs.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Representing the SWGs at the EHA leadership level
  • Bridging communication between the SWGs and the EHA Board
  • Collecting SWGs proposal on established and new activities
  • Approval of SWGs proposals with pre-allocated budget (e.g. SWG meetings)
  • Approval of new SWGs and renewal of existing SWGs (and subgroups, when necessary)
  • Based on the Board recommendations; the Unit develops and implements new projects.
  • The SWG Committee is involved in lobbying activities for EU research grants


  1. Chair (EHA Board member)
  2. Vice Chair; SWG member with at least 2 years’ experience as SWG Chair/Co-Chair.
  3. Up to 9 members selected from SWGs via an open call for interest, ensuring a balanced representation of the main areas (e.g. malignant vs non-malignant, basic/translational vs clinical etc.) of hematology.


  • Chair and vice chair: 3 years
  • Members: 3 years with possibility of reappointment once.


  • 2 physical meetings
  • Regular conference calls

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