SPC Advisory Board, EHA Congress 2023

Current committee members:

G Baerlocher, Switzerland
V Brousse, France
M D'Agostino, Italy
J Esteve, Spain
T Facon, France
T Fioretos, Sweden
S Ghorashian, United Kingdom
K Giannopoulos, Poland
S Kordasti, United Kingdom
G Lenz, Germany
S Leppä, Finland
M Mansour, United Kingdom
M Mitrovic, Serbia
S Mustjoki, Finland
F Ní Ainle, Ireland
J Okosun, United Kingdom
B Porse, Denmark
M Seiffert, Germany
E Solomou, Greece
S Šaulytė Trakymienė, Lithuania
G Vassiliou, United Kingdom
MT Voso, Italy
G Weiss, Austria
S Zeerleder, Switzerland
R Zeiser, Germany


The Scientific Advisory Board support the Scientific Program Committee with regard to the creation of a scientific and educational EHA Congress program that encompasses comprehensive hematology, stands out in excellence and includes the latest insights and findings in hematology research and clinical practice.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • To maintain and further improve the quality of the scientific content of EHA’s annual congress program
  • To make proposals for topics and speakers, based on quality
  • To contribute to the final scientific and education program by providing input on the selection of topics, speakers and abstracts
  • To actively participate in meetings and conference calls


  1. 24-28 members appointed by the Board


  • 2 years


  • Physical & virtual meetings
  • Regular conference calls

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