Scientific Program Committee, EHA Congress 2023

Current committee members:

K Döhner, Germany (Chair)
B Huntly, United Kingdom (Chair elect)
K Grønbæk, Denmark (Past Chair)
M Alberich Jorda, Czechia
B Brenner, Israel
H Cavé, France
T Cupedo, The Netherlands
F Cymbalista, France
M De Montalembert, France
F Gay, Italy
D Girelli, Italy
C Harrison, United Kingdom
M Heyman, Sweden
H Hjorth-Hansen, Norway
M Jerkeman, Sweden
U Keller, Germany (EHA2023 Local representative)
R Lassila, Finland
O Lopez-Villar, Spain
CU Niemann, Denmark
U Platzbecker, Germany
M Raaijmakers, The Netherlands
P Rodríguez Otero, Spain
L Shlush, Israel
J Windyga, Poland
D Wolf, Austria


The Scientific Program Committee is responsible for the creation of a scientific and educational EHA Congress program that encompasses comprehensive hematology, stands out in excellence and includes the latest insights and findings in hematology research and clinical practice.

The SPC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • To ensure consistency and continuity of EHA’s Annual congress
  • To maintain the quality of the scientific and educational content of the EHA congress
  • To guarantee the composition of a balanced program, covering comprehensive hematology.
  • Participate in meetings, calls, reviews and all other activities needed to deliver a high quality congress program.


  1. Chair (EHA Board member)
  2. Past Chair (EHA Board member)
  3. Chair elect (EHA Board member)
  4. Local representative from hosting country
  5. Up to 20 full members representing all fields in hematology (appointed based on expertise by the EHA Board)


  • Chairs: 3 years
  • Local representative: 1 year
  • Full members: 2 years


  • Physical & virtual meetings
  • Regular conference calls

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