Research Committee

Current committee members:

B Huntly, United Kingdom (Chair)
R Delwel, Netherlands (Vice-Chair)
M Alberich Jorda, Czech Republic
A Borkhardt, Germany
M Copland, United Kingdom
A Fielding, United Kingdom
J Vormoor, Netherlands
A Trumpp, Germany
A Almeida, Portugal
A Kabanova, Italy
T Mercher, France
M Muckenthaler, Germany
J Okosun, United Kingdom
V Sexl, Austria
K Stamatopoulos, Greece


The Research Committee (RC) is responsible for further strengthening EHA’s interactions with and relevance for the wider hematology research community by improving existing activities and developing new initiatives. The RC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • The EHA-RC coordinates, integrates and promotes research activities (basic, translational and clinical) across all EHA initiatives, including the Specialized Working Groups (SWGs), Fellowship & Grants (F&G), TRTH, CRTH. It oversees the respective committees, and provides inputs to European Affairs, YoungEHA, Annual Congress, EHA Journal(s) and for Research projects with EHA participation.
  • Together with the above-mentioned committees, the EHA-RC defines the plan and budget for research activities of EHA, for discussion and approval by the EHA Board.
  • The EHA-RC informs the Board on a regular basis regarding progress, developments, points of attention and asks for approval in case of a change of plans.
  • The EHA-RC is also responsible for monitoring the implementation of the approved plans and programs and for achieving agreed results.


  1. Chair
  2. Vice-Chair
  3. Up to 5 regular members
  4. 1 member from each of the following committees / boards: EHA Board, SWG Committee, Fellowships and Grants, TRTH, CRTH, HemaSphere, Young EHA (such members must not be Chairs of their respective committees)

 (Total 14 members)


  • Chair and Vice Chair max 3 years. Reappointment once for max. 3 years.
  • Regular members max 3 years. Reappointment once for max. 3 years.
  • Members representing a committee max 3 years. Reappointment once for max. 3 years.


  • 2 physical meetings at EHA office
  • 2 physical meetings at EHA Congress and ASH Meeting
  • Regular conference calls
  • Regular retreats

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