Patient Advocate Committee

Current committee members

Derek Elston, United Kingdom (Chair)
Androulla Eleftheriou, Cyprus (Co-chair)
Zack Pemberton-Whiteley, United Kingdom (Co-chair)

Members representing a Patient Advocacy Organization

CLL Advocates Network (CLLAN)

Pierre Aumont

CML Advocates Network

Jan Geissler

European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC)

Jana Pelouchova

European Federation of Associations of Patients with Haemochromatosis (EFAPH)

Dag Erling Stakvik

European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC)

Amanda Bok

European Organisation for Rare Diseases (EURORDIS)

Ariane Weinman

Lymphoma Coalition

Natacha Bolaños

MPN Advocates Network (MPN AN)

Werner Zinkand

MDS Alliance

Sophie Wintrich

Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE)

Katie Joyner

PNH Global Alliance

Maria Piggin

Acute Leukaemia Advocates Network (ALAN)

Zack Pemberton-Whiteley, United Kingdom (Co-chair)

ITP Support Association

Derek Elston, United Kingdom (Chair)

Thalassaemia International Federation (TIF)

Androulla Eleftheriou, Cyprus (Co-chair)


To reflect the importance of ongoing, mutually beneficial dialogue and collaboration between hematology professionals and the patient advocacy community. 

Contributing substantially to EHA’s mission of promoting excellence in patient care, research, and education. 

Tasks & responsibilities

  • TBD 


  • 1 Chair
  • 2 Vice chairs
  • 11 Patient Advocacy Organizations as members  


  • 3 years for Chair and Vice-chair.
  • After rotating off as (vice) chair, these individuals can continue representing their organization in the PAC.  

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