Nomination Committee

Current committee members:

M Muckenthaler, Germany (Chair)
C Lacombe, France
T Green, United Kingdom
U Jäger, Austria
I Roberts, United Kingdom
S Izraeli, Israel


The Nomination Committee (NC) is responsible for ensuring the quality of the EHA Board related to scientific and educational background, and balance in composition with respect to competence, field of interest, geography and gender. In addition, the NC is responsible for the nomination and ballot of EHA’s Education & Mentoring Awards according to the procedure for this set out by the EHA Board.

The NC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and provides solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters concerning the nomination and ballot of Board members and EHA’s Education & Mentoring Awards.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • The NC draws up regulations containing the grounds on and the way the NC decides on a nomination and ballot procedure regarding the appointment of members of the EHA Board. These regulations follow the statutes which outlines the tasks and responsibilities of the NC and the EHA Board and Executive Board in this process.
    • When a vacancy in the EHA Board arises, the NC informs the members.
    • The NC will solicit the names of potential candidates from the membership.
    • The NC can identify potential candidates in addition to those proposed by members.
    • The NC will then select candidates and compose the ballot list with the final approval from the EHA Board.
    • The NC shall circulate the ballot list to all members for electronic voting.
    • In the event of a tie vote on the election, the NC decides.
    • The Chair of the NC presents the results of the vote at the Business Meeting.
  • The NC executes the nomination and ballot procedure for EHA’s Education and Mentoring Award as approved by the EHA Board.
  • To actively participate in meetings and conference calls.


  1. Chair (non-Board member)
  2. Vice Chair (non-Board member)
  3. 4 members (The members of the NC should be familiar with EHA)


  • Chair and Vice Chair max 3 years. Reappointment once for max. 3 years.
  • Members max 3 years. Reappointment once for max. 3 years.


  • Two physical meetings per year
  • Regular teleconferences
  • One meeting per year with the EHA Board.

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