Membership & Community Engagement Committee

Current committee members:

H Papadaki, Greece (Chair)
G Gaidano, Italy (Vice-Chair)
I Touw, The Netherlands
A Borkhardt, Germany
M Lauw, The Netherlands
A Ivanaj, Albania
R Garcia Sanz, Spain
K Yalcin, Türkiye


The mission of the Membership & Community Engagement Committee is to promote the value of EHA membership and provide strategic guidance for the recruitment, retention and growth of an actively engaged EHA membership. The MC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

The EHA MC is the link between the EHA Board, its members and the National Societies. The MC responsibilities are the following:

  • Awareness and analysis of the needs of the members;
  • Insight and understanding of hematologists’ needs in different National Societies;
  • Evaluation of the balance between the EHA membership value and its accessibility and relevance to the members’ needs considering diversities in backgrounds and demographics;
  • Investigation of members engagement and satisfaction;
  • Provide recommendations to the EHA Board and develop new activities and initiatives to improve and promote the value of EHA membership and increase membership recruitment and retention;
  • Consider the need for new membership categories as well as re-evaluating the current membership categories;
  • Evaluate and provide recommendations to the EHA Board for proposals derived from National and other Societies on membership issues;
  • Monitor non-member participation in key EHA activities.


  1. Chair (EHA Board member)
  2. Vice Chair (non-Board member)
  3. Member Education Committee
  4. Member Research Committee
  5. Member YoungEHA
  6. 2 regular members representing a European National Hematology Society


  • Chair and Vice Chair: max 3 years
  • Members representing the Board or (sub) committees: according to rotation schedule of the respective (sub) committee/Board
  • Representative National Societies or other interest groups: max 2 years
  • Regular members: max 3 year. Reappointment once for max 3 years.


  • 2 meetings per year
  • Quarterly teleconferences

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