HemaSphere Editorial Board

Editor in Chief
Jan Cools, Belgium

Deputy Editor in Chief
Claire Harrison, UK

Associate Editors
Stephen Ansell, USA
Paolo Corradini, Italy
Martin Dreyling, Germany
Jeroen Eikenboom, The Netherlands
Paolo Ghia, Italy
Simon Hallam, UK
Robert Hills, UK
Martina Muckenthaler, Germany
Juerg Schwaller, Switzerland
Evangelos Terpos, Greece

Scientific Editors
David Kent, UK
Stephen  Hibbs, UK
Roger Schutgens, The Netherlands
Melania Tesio, France 
Francesca Vinchi, USA


HemaSphere publishes results of highly relevant basic, translational, and clinical research in hematology. We are especially looking for strong studies reporting novel findings that are of high impact to the field of hematology. Review articles, Guideline articles, and Controversy articles provide clear overviews and discussions of new developments as well as recommendations for patient care.

HemaSphere is also the premier hematology information resource, which is covered by the HemaTopics section in the journal. This section provides insightful discussions on all aspects related to hematology, including summaries of important articles, reports of new therapies, discussions on EU policy, EHA news, and other hematology news items.

HemaSphere is an open access journal, powered by the European Hematology Association, and dedicated to support hematology patient care, research and education worldwide.

HemaSphere is proud to have a 2021 Journal Impact Factor (JIF) of 8.3 (source: Journal Citation Reports, Clarivate). HemaSphere also has a Scopus 2021 CiteScore of 5.4. HemaSphere is fully indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), is a member of the Science Citation Expanded Index (SCIE) – Hematology, and is listed on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

HemaSphere has been accepted for inclusion and fully indexed in PubMed Central (PMC). The journal has also been selected for coverage in Clarivate Analytics’ Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and is listed on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • The Editorial Board is led by the Editor in Chief
  • Under the leadership of the Editor in Chief, the Editorial Board is responsible for:
    • The timely review and selection of articles that serve the aims and scope of HemaSphere
    • The promotion of HemaSphere within the hematology community and beyond
    • Representing HemaSphere at various occasions
    • Guiding the quality and growth HemaSphere to become a reputable society journal for European hematology research and related scientific news.
  • Actively participate in meetings and calls


  1. Editor in Chief fixed advisors EHA Board
  2. Deputy Editor in Chief
  3. Up to 15 Associate Editors
  4. Up to 5 Scientific Editors


  • 3 years with the possibility of reappointment once.


  • 2-3 physical meetings
  • Regular conference calls

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