Guidelines Committee

Current committee members:

N Roy, United Kingdom (Chair)
M Dreyling, Germany (Vice-Chair)
P Bianchi, Italy
C Dufour, Italy
T Bakchoul, Germany
C Castilla Llorente, France
S Koschmieder, Germany
M Kruip, Netherlands
M Ladetto, Italy
S Stanworth, United Kingdom
S Blum, Switzerland


The aim of the EHA Guidelines Committee (GC) is to promote and support the creation and adoption of guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of hematologic diseases, in close collaboration with the EHA Specialized Working Groups. The GC is an advisory committee to the EHA Research Committee and works closely with the EHA Office and other EHA Committees.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • Identify areas where evidence-based guidelines, consensus based guidelines, and position documents are needed
  • Determine the methodology required for each item.
  • Appoint section editors together with EHA-SWGs to initiate the composition of the specific group of experts that will produce the guidelines
  • Identify organizations active in producing hematology guidelines (e.g.ESMO) for co-creation of guidelines
  • Set the rules for EHA endorsement of guidelines developed by third parties
  • Take final decision on EHA endorsements
  • Actively participate in meetings and conference calls


  1. Chair
  2. Vice Chair
  3. 2 Executive members
  4. 7 associate members


  • 3 years with the possibility of reappointment once.


  • 2-3 physical meeting & regular conference calls

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