Good Governance Committee

Current committee members:

W Fibbe, Netherlands
L Degos, France
M Guenova, Bulgaria
L Malcovati, Italy
I Roberts, United Kingdom
P Sonneveld, Netherlands


The Good Governance Committee (GGC) is responsible for guarding EHA’s image, position and performance as a non-profit membership organization for the public benefit, according to international standards and procedures on good governance. The GGC serves as an advisory body to the EHA Board and provides solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters concerning good governance.

Tasks & responsibilities:

  • To review and evaluate EHA’s Board Regulations and related procedures.
  • To review and evaluate EHA’s conflict of interest policy and procedures.
  • To provide the EHA Board and its Committees with solicited and unsolicited advice on all matters concerning good governance.
  • To actively follow developments in the area of good governance (internally and externally) and follow up on such developments in a timely and adequate matter.
  • To actively participate in meetings and conference calls.


  1. Chair (non-Board member)
  2. Vice Chair (non-Board member)
  3. EHA Executive Director
  4. Up to 4 expert members


  • Chair and Vice Chair  max 3 years. Reappointment once for max. 3 years
  • Members: max 3 year. Reappointment once for max 3 years.


  • Two physical meetings per year
  • Regular teleconferences
  • One meeting per year with the EHA Board.

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